16 | White council

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{Rigmors POV}

"Come with me." Gandalf was pulling me with him, tightly gripping my wrist. "Hey, why are you so--"
"Silence!" he barked.

I frowned, a bit taken aback by this sudden outburst of seriousness and maybe even anger. "Not satisfied with the answer, Gandalf?" Myrna asked, jogging after us as we walked with the wizard and Elrond.

"What is going on?" I spoke, Gandalf's grip loosening.
"Don't you see the severity of this? They will kill Smaug if you two don't find that Airbender."

"But we could find him. Or her." the earthbender next to me said, short breaths escaping her lungs, trying to keep up with us.

"You know how big Middle Earth is, girl?" Gandalf said, pulling me into a long hall.

"Where are we-- Ah!"
I nearly bumped into his back as he halted in his place, his eyes fixated on a figure a couple of feet away.

"Lady Galadriel."

Myrna and I stood in awe as well, totally hypnotized by the beautiful Elven lady in front of us, the moonlight pouring over her tall figure. Her gown was a deep grey with a snow white garment underneath, her golden hair shimmering. She smiled at the three of us.

"Mithrandir. It has been a long time. I see you brought someone with you."

He looked down at us, smiling a bit. I massaged my painful wrist. I wouldn't be surprised if it happened to be blue tomorrow. The wizard's eyes wandered to the female Elf again.

"Nae nin gwistant infanneth, mal ú-eichia i Chíril Lorien."

I didn't understand what he had said, but it must've been something flattering because a small smile appeared on her lips.

"I had no idea Lord Elrond had sent for you." Gandalf spoke, approaching Galadriel and leaving us to stand close to the door frame.

"He didn't. I did." A sudden, unfamiliar voice spoke. We turned to the source, a wizard cloaked in white appeared from the shadows, carrying a battle staff with him. His hair was as white as the linen he wore.

"Saruman." the man next to us spoke.
"You've been busy of late, my friend. You've brought the benders."

"Indeed I did. But I didn't know about... That he knew about..."

Elrond stepped forward, putting his hand on Myrna's shoulder.

"Rigmor, Myrna, this is Saruman the White. He is the greatest of the wizards. He, Galadriel, Gandalf, Radagast and I are the few that happen to know about your special gift. Welcome to this meeting of the White Council. Take a seat, ladies."

We sat down at the round table, the sun rising behind the trees. A pink hue fell over us as Galadriel roamed around the table. It seemed like she was flying, her steps almost invisible.

"Tell me, Gandalf, did you think these plans and schemes of yours would go unnoticed?"
The grey wizard shook his head, his long hair falling in front of his eyes, his hands folded in front of him while his elbows rested on the table before him.

"Unnoticed? No, I'm simply doing what I feel to be right."
"The dragon has long been on your mind." Galadriel spoke, turning her gaze away from the sunrise. Gandalf nodded.

"This is true, my lady. Smaug owes allegiance to no one. But if he should side with the enemy, a dragon could be used to terrible effect."

I frowned. "What do you mean, side with the enemy?"
"Is there an enemy?" Myrna added, looking as concerned as me.

The Hobbit | The Lost Bender {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now