Becoming Fearless.

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I followed the two inside.  It was weird meeting these people.  The woman seemed a little different, but I couldn't place what it was about her.  The man, well, he was kind of cold toward me.  Neither seemed happy about being found.  Or being in debt to Dean.  The man sat on the couch.  The woman walked off grabbing a drink for herself and the man.

"So, how can you help me?" I asked.

"Well, I'm a witch.  And as Dean forgot to introduce us properly, I am James and this is Portia," he said.

"Are you a witch too?"

"I'm his familiar."

"Oh, cool," I had no idea what that meant, but nodded as if I did.

"So tell us about how you got into witchcraft," Portia said.

"Now there's a complex story.  Where do I start?"

"The very beginning."
"Cas, what the hell?" Dean asked.

"They are going to help her."

"Maybe I would like to say goodbye."

"I'm sorry."

The front door opened.  Bobby walked on to the porch.  He looked around to see only Dean and Cas outside.

"Where's ____?" he asked.

"Cas found some old friends of ours that can help her out," Dean replied.

"Huh. When will she back?"

Dean looked at Cas who shrugged.  Bobby heaved a sigh before waving Dean to come in.  Cas followed, the two entered the house.  Sam was seated behind a pile of books.  He looked up.

"Where's ____?" he asked.

"Cas found James and Portia.   They offered to help her," Dean explained.

"Well, we found a few things here.  There are different types and affinities. I am not sure what she falls under."

"Well, that's why Cas called in a favor I guess."

"But get this, there are a few cases of people forcefully given powers."


"They haven't all ended well," Sam began.

"What do you mean?"

"What he means is if a certain power is forced into a human, it drives 'em nuts," Bobby interjected.

"Come on, you guys are-"

"She's been a breath away from being a demon, she's found her family slaughtered, she's had everything except us taken from her. Maybe that's what Crowley is hoping for," Cas offered his thoughts to the group.

"Let them see what they can find out first," Dean said.

"Dean, I'd hate to think the worst.  She's like a daughter to me.  But we have to consider all of the possibilities," Bobby said.

"I'm gonna go finish what I was doing."

Dean stormed out of the house.  The thought alone pissed him off.  Why would they even think she'd let that happen?  Of course she wouldn't.  He picked up a tool and resumed his place beneath the hood of the impala.
I told the two my story.  They listened as I recalled everything I could.  Who knew just how they could help me, but I would take what I can get.  They set me up in a spare room.  It was weird that Cas even found these people in the middle of nowhere.  They told me to rest up, because the training would take a toll me.  If only they knew I had gotten nearly three days of sleep.  But they were right.  The first day I woke up at the crack of dawn.  James showed me some basics.  Before lunch I was utterly exhausted. They always made hushed remarks when they thought I wasn't paying attention to them.  It didn't really bother me, but I often wondered what they were talking about. Days passed turning into weeks.  I was only given the basics of being a witch.  Simple spells, some books to read, and that was about it.  I thanked them for their help.  It wasn't much, but I greatly appreciated it.  I had just woken up one morning actually hearing one of their conversations.

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