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By the time I woke up I was alone in the back seat. I felt better than when I had fallen asleep. My hand latched onto the seat. Dean glanced back as I rose from the back.

"Morning, sunshine," he said quietly.

I noticed Sam was asleep. His head hung back with his mouth open. A odd sort of snore resonated with each inhale. I leaned on the front seat. My left hand rubbing one of my eyes.

"Morning, how long did you sleep?" I asked.

"A few hours."

"How many?"

"Only three, but Sam was tired, too."

"You look like you could use some more sleep. How far out are we?"

"Not far. Maybe two hours."

"I can drive the last leg of the trip if you want."

"Yeah, alright," he said pulling over to the side of the road.

"Really?" I was bursting with excitement.

"Yeah, I'm exhausted."

I jumped out of the back as soon as the car stopped. Dean got out of the front seat. We met on the side of car. He held the keys out, but pulled them away when I reached for them.

"If there's even a scratch on her-"

"There won't be," I said.

"If there is-"

"Dean. I'm a good driver. I got this."

The keys dropped in my hand. My face lit up as I got into the driver's seat. My feet just reached the pedals. I suddenly felt so short in comparison to them. I turned the key and felt the sensation of the car roaring to a start. Through the steering wheel I could feel the strong idle of the car. I put the car in drive and pulled on the road. The smile on my face didn't fade, not for a second. It was an honor just to drive a car. But it wasn't just any car. Anyone who knew the Winchesters knew that. I found a motel when we reached the town we had been heading to. I slammed on the brakes a little harder than needed to stop in the parking spot. With a small scream Dean shot up in the back seat screaming. Sam shot up with a startled expression and grabbed the dash of the car. I shut the car off and tossed the keys back to Dean.

"Morning, boys," I snickered.

"Not funny," Dean growled.

"As I recall you two scared me awake. So, payback."

"Dean let you drive?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not going to tell him about the tiny scratch I got at that gas station."

Dean scrambled out of the car. I got out of the driver's seat as did Sam. We watched as Dean inspected every inch of the car. Sam shook his head before walking to get us a room. Dean breathed a sigh of relief. He stormed over and picked me up with a sudden twirl.

"I love you, ____, but joke around like that again and you'll be in trouble," he said kissing my cheek softly.

"Oh, in trouble with you? Could be fun," I smirked.

"Not like that."

Sam walked back with two keys. He tossed one at me. I caught it before grabbing my bag from the back of the car. I went into the room and tossed my bag on one of the beds. Sam was researching where the first nest was. Dean was in the other room talking to Sam. I pulled out the weapons in my bag. My knives sharp, my guns clean. I was ready for this hunt. Flapping, followed by a heavy thump, sounded behind me. I turned to see Cas beaten on the floor.

Sacrifices (Dean Winchester x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now