On The Road Again.

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I drove to the motel I stayed at the last time I was in town.  The parking lot was mostly empty.  Only two other cars were there.  None of them I recognized. I pulled my helmet off and carried it into the office.  After handing over my ID and some cash I received a key.  I pushed the door open, not noticing the figure standing at the door.  I almost bumped into them when a familiar voice called my name.

"___?" Dean asked.

My eyes hesitated to look up.  I froze as the bells on the door jingled behind me as it shut.  My name repeated as I slowly looked up at him.

"Dean?" I replied, "W-why are you here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I am just visiting a friend.  It's late so I figured I'd meet her later in the morning."

"That so?"


"Funny that you were just at a house where someone was murdered.  We've been on this case for a few days now.  Her phone was left on, we saw the text," his voice was cold, his mannerisms were rigid.

"So what?  I came to help her out.  A girl can work, can't she?"

I tried to walk past him, but his hand snagged my arm.  My eyes met with his.  Those beautiful green eyes were sad.  Beneath the seriousness he was so unhappy.  I sighed and looked away from him.

"I can't let you go on your own," he said.

"Why's that?"

"In this string of murders, the person who found the body died within a day of finding the body."

"Oh, great."

"We know it's a demon.  We've been tracking them since you left."

"Why that long?"

"They know where Cas is."

"He's still missing?  You gotta let me in on this."

"No way.  We gotta get you someplace safe."

"Dean nowhere around here is safer than with you," I said.  Our eyes caught each other's gaze.  I bit my lip and turned away slightly.

"Is that why you left?" his voice growled with anger and pain.

"No, no it wasn't why I left."

"Your arm is still messed up?"

"Yeah, had it looked at a few times.  Shattered was quite the understatement.  It didn't heal right at all," I said while removing the sling.  My arm looked crooked, bumpy even.

"Why did you leave?"

"Maybe that's a conversation to be had inside."


We walked toward the room, I stopped by my bike.   Dean looked at it almost appalled this was what I was driving.  Not everyone could have such a beautiful impala.  I grabbed a small bag tucked under the seat.  Dean followed me to the door of my room.  I unlocked it as we walked inside.  I tossed my bags in the corner and jumped onto the bed.  From the bag I removed a salve and began to rub it on my arm.

"What's  that?" Dean asked.

"Something I made for the pain. It still hurts badly."

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing to me?"

"I should have been there.  That is why you left, right?  Because I left you, I let this happen."

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