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Sam told us about a job in Washington.  Someone turned up dead, their heart was missing.  Of course we would have to go look into this.  We agreed to leave in the morning.  Dean and I excused ourselves to our own room.  I started packing up some of my things so we would be ready to go the next morning.  I looked at my favorite shirt that now missing a sleeve.  I crumpled the shirt up, a piece of paper fell from it.  The shirt found its way to the trash.

"You dropped something," Dean said picking up the paper.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Piece of paper."

He looked it over.  It had something that looked like a spell on it.  His brow furrowed.

"Why do you have this?" he asked.

"What is it?"

"Looks like some sort of spell."

"What would I do with that?"

"You shouldn't have something like this."

"Dean we've used spells before. Why are you acting strange?"

"I'm not.  You're the one with some weird spell," he replied.

"Are you accusing me of something?  Like practicing witchcraft?"

"N-no.  I'm sorry forget I said anything."

"Gimmie that thing," I said snagging the paper from his hand.  I examined the words carefully.  "What is this? It doesn't make any sense."

"I should have Sam look at it," Dean said trying to grab it from me.

"Come on, mystery spell. I wanna check it out."


"I wonder what this means," the words slowly slipping from my lips. "Antiqua in me potestatem, Dolores inferni circumdederunt facultas tres Aut viam inveniam ad adiuvandum me qui reserare in me potestatem, Gratias ago tibi, Sic fiat semper."

Dean watched me carefully.  I read over the spell.  Latin wasn't my strong suit.  But I could kind of make out some of it.  Dean said we should take it to Sam. I reluctantly agreed wanting to solve this puzzle on my own.  We walked over to their room.  Dean handed the piece of paper to Sam.

"This is weird.  It doesn't seem like a spell really," Sam explained, "instructions maybe. Where did you find it?"

"Fell out of my shirt," I said, "the one I was wearing last night."

"When did you get it?"

"I got it just now when it fell from my pocket.  Other than that never seen it before in my life," I said.

"I think I'll hang onto it," Sam said.

"Hey, but it's mine.  I found it."

"Technically, I found it," Dean said.

"Guys, what is going on with you?  No offense, but you've had me concerned since last night. Dean is magically better.  You looking like a bunch of deer in headlights when I woke up.  Which by the way, Dean, just what could my mother say to you that she couldn't say to me?" I demanded.

"She just wanted me to keep you safe," he answered.

"I am sure that is part of it.  But she healed you, but attacked me.  Don't you think that's weird?"

"She did attack ____, there was no remorse.  I thought she would have killed _____," Cas said.

"I told you," I huffed, "something weird is going on here."

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