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A/N: Unedited so excuse typos pls. Sorry I took so long with this. The semester has started and I have a new set of classes I have to get used to. I'll try to update this book twice a week though. Umm, the drama is about to kick in chapter 23  so this chapter is kind of bleh. Jordyn Woods was on Quavo's snapchat and I thought it was funny cause they're Amaru and Sonnell in this story.

Amaru Kelly

I should have known it wouldnt go well. My dad always favored me although he wont ever admit it. Knowing I disppointed him is what hurts me the most. It makes you feel like shit knowing you disappointed someone you really love and care about. My dad was the best and always expected the best of me. Even when my my mom felt like giving up on me, he would always convince her not to.

I was always the troublemaking child, but everytime I would do something wild, my dad would punish me but I knew better than to do it again. I never really had the same respect for my mom as I did him. I was never sure why, but he's always been the perfect example of what a man should be.

So why did I choose the most idiotic nigga on earth to lay down with? Why have I thrown all self respect out the window for him? Why have I let go of all my values to hold on to Sonnell? Being a complete fool for someone who hasnt even said he loves me back, but I couldnt stop. He had a hold on me for some reason.

I was currently sitting in the car with him on our way to where ever. I wasnt going to question him because it would call for attitude on his part and an argument that I was too tired to deal with. I had cried my eyes out last night after being scolded by my parents and I was not up for going back and forth with Sonnie.

I glanced over at him. He had one hand on the steering wheel and in the other, he had a cup of henny. To me, it was a bit too early for him to be sipping but whatever floats his boat I guess.

"Who did your hair?" I asked him, running my hands over his fresh retwist.

"Went to the salon" he cleared his throat and said. I nodded as he finally pulled up into a parking lot.

I was still rubbing over his hair but stopped once I saw where we were.

He couldnt be serious...

"Why are we here?" I asked him.

"Aint they teach ya'll context clues in school?" he chuckled.

I shook my head. "Please stop playing right now. Are you fucking crazy?! I'm not doing it." I couldnt believe he was doing this.

"Who the fuck you yellin' at? I told you. You not 'bout to pin a fuckin' child on me that ion even want. So we 'bout to go in this fuckin' place, and get this shit over wit'. Its 'dat simple."

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