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A/N: I'm lowkey halfway asleep so if this update is kinda craze, i'm sorry. I just couldnt let myself fall asleep without finishing it 💀

Athena Kelly

When I started first grade, I was the most shy out of everyone at school. I switched schools after kindergarten due to a foreign language program my mom wanted me in. My parents had to encourage me to make friends. I never even talked to any of the other kids first, I let them come to me. When they did, it was easy for me to hold conversation after.

I dont exactly remember all of my friends, but I do remember our six year old conversations consisting of cartoons, other interests, and how gross we thought boys were.

Boys had cooties. That was my way of thinking until the middle of the year when a new kid started riding my school bus in the morning. He took a seat by me and I didnt bother to look him in the face but I knew from when I saw him, I thought he was cute.

He didnt say anything the first day, nor did he the second day, but the third day he turned to me as I ate my daily fruit. My mom always packed me a banana to eat with my lunch but I always ate it in the morning. I had no idea why she chose that fruit. Most parents would just go with an apple.

I remember him asking me. "Why you always eating them?" I explained to him how my mom always managed to put one in my lunchbox. He laughed and told me it was weird but then said he liked bananas.

So because I had a crush on him, everyday I would ask my mom to pack me an extra banana so I could give him one. And after school everyday he would walk me home from the bus stop. He nicknamed me banana girl and I called him annoying boy, just because. I never actually knew his name and I dont think he ever knew mine.

I remember the very last day of school, when we got to my door, he kissed me. I spent all summer waiting to get back to school to see him again, but he didnt come back.

My first kiss was Cato and yet I didnt even recognize him now that we're older. Beards always seemed to change a guy's appearance. Maybe that was the reason I didnt recognize him. Or maybe it was the fact that he had grown hair and he was tall. Either way I feel like I should have realized who he was sooner.

My parents questioned my whereabouts when I got home from my jog yesterday. Of course I didnt say anything about what happened, I just told them that time got away from me. I managed to sleep pretty well too even though I had been threatened prior.

I was still shaken up a bit though. I had seen someone literally get shot to death. Why on earth wasnt I traumatized or something? Or maybe I was, it just didnt kick in yet.

There was a knock on my room door as I grabbed my backpack and slipped on my shoes. "Yes?!" I shouted out.

"Hurry up. I thought I was the slow one!" Amaru yelled back. I snatched the door open and mushed her head. She sucked her teeth, "Ugh I dont know if I hate you or love you today."

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