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I dashed down the side walk, praying that he didnt catch sight of me. I found an alley and turned into it, hoping he'd just pass without noticing me. It was dark outside, though it was only five thirty. Day light savings had ended yesterday. I was supposed to be home by now, but curiousity grabbed me by the throat.

Now he was probably going to as well. I didnt hear anything for a while and figured maybe he had ignored the fact that someone had witnessed what he'd done and left the scene.

So I stepped out. What a big mistake that was....

There he stood. At least six feet tall, curly hair gracing the top of his head. His beard was full and his face was hard. It scared me. I know I looked as if I had seen a ghost. My heart was pounding. I was afraid of what he'd do to me.

He just stared into my eyes for a while. I dont know how I managed the courage to look him in his. They were intimidating.

A sinister smile found its way to his lips before he spoke. "Its dark. Where you headed babygirl?"

I couldnt speak. I never could. I always seemed to lose my voice when I needed it the most. I opened my mouth trying to form a sentence but nothing came out.

"You mute or somethin'?" he asked me dropping the smile from his face. I stood quiet and looked away from him, swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat.

His hand reached into his back pocket making my chest tighten. I was prone to anxiety attacks and this was about to trigger one. His hand came back to the front of him with a blunt and a lighter. I could breathe again.

I stood awkwardly, watching as he lit it while simutaneously trying to think of an escape route. He took a hit and stepped closer, exhaling in my face. At the same time, the wind blew. I shivered out of fear and due to being cold.

"What did you see?" he asked me.

My eyes widened. I found my voice, although it was as quiet as a mouse. "Nothing" I squeaked out.

He licked his lips and took another hit. His mouth turned up into a smile again. "Come on. I'ma walk you home" he turned around and began walking.

I stood frozen, not knowing what to do. He stopped and looked back at me. "Did I stutter or you'on speak english or somethin' ?"

He was serious. I was still shook. So I did as he said.

I let him walk me home.

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