ARC 3 --- Chapter 34 --- Unity in Diversity

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[Part 1]

"Pulmo, I know that the dungeon doesn't really look like a dungeon right now. It will definitely take some time for us to finish this thing. Now, later on I want to divide the dungeon by areas. In each of these areas there will be different resources and monsters that live there. Of course, we need something in each area that will attract outsiders. What I mean is Magic Mathers. Imagine If we set up Ravestia around here. That would boos the power of all of us, and speed up the building speed for sure. Don't you think this is a good idea?" asked Rob.

"That's some naive thinking, Rob. Sure, things have been going smoothly recently, but you can't be hasty. If we set up Ravestia, or even Ordios right now, imagine the enemies we would face. With our current situation, they would crush us! Have you become so impatient to build this dungeon? Setting up the Magic Mathers now, without any defenses is just suicide." Said Pulmo.

"You're right... sorry. I was too impatient. I didn't think that far ahead." said the shocked Rob.

"It's alright If you understand. But, I think I'll look for a nice place to set up Ravestia. This is for the future, alright? Since I will definitely be protecting her, I would also set up my home near the place." said Pulmo.

"Alright, do whatever you want. I'm gonna look for Bromin real quick." Said Rob.

After having a small but important conversation with Pulmo, Rob went into the teleport totem. In an instant, Rob is teleported to the cave surface. He quickly went towards the cave entrance, because some of the Molio he asked said that Bromin was in that direction.

After walking for some time, Rob saw the light from outside, entering the cave entrance. Just outside the cave, he saw Bromin instructing some Beavem, Molio, and Crummerers.

"Hey, Bromin. I came by to see what you were doing." Said Rob.

"I was just instructing these guys to harvest the resources. Do you have something to say?" asked Bromin.

"Right, Morbo said that he finished several rooms inside the cave, but on the surface level. I think that's a good place to set up storage for our resources. I'd say that you should have like 4-5 Molio and Beavem to set up the place. We should also take note of all our resources. A Crummerer would probably be suited for that job." said Rob.

"Hmm... I understand. I'll have 3 Beavem and 2 Molio to set up the place. As for the Crummerer to take notes of the resources we gather, I'll recommend Rika, she is still young, but she has a bright mind." suggested Bromin.

"Alright, you can arrange that. I'll talk to a few Molio here, and then I 'll get back to you." said Rob.

Although the Molio are specialized in digging, they also have other specialties. They are good at smithing as well. They previously lived near lava, and they used that for smithing. The reason why Rob wanted most of the Molio to fully explore the cave is to find lava, and then set up some workshops. Although they can't really use their smithing skills now, they can still be of use. Since they are currently working in a cave, some stone masons are definitely needed. Stone masons are people who can carve and process raw stone into other things such as brick.

In order to achieve his dream of making a dungeon, Rob did study about jobs like stone masons, and other things to help him in the future.

So, Rob approached a group of 4 Molio that were standing around. Seeing Rob approaching them, the Molio seemed clueless as to what Rob wanted.

"You guys, I want to discuss some things with you. I want you guys to scout for a pretty big cave opening near our base of operations, and I want you guys to carve a room there, and start making some workshops. This workshop won't be for smithing. I want you guys to be stone masons." said Rob.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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