ARC 3 --- Chapter 33 --- The Work

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[Part 1]

Rob leads his young companions deeper into the cave. They just encountered a unique enviroment, which is a mysterious swamp in the cave. Although they should learn more about the things in the swamp since they are planning on making it a part of the dungeon, Rob insisted on continuing deeper into the cave. That's because reinforcements will soon come, which means that this area will be studied thoroughly eventually.

However, Rob remembered that they are currently seperated from the others. Although he is sure that the others will soon come, he doesn't know when they will come.

"Hey, before we continue deeper into the cave, why don't we have a meal. We shouldn't forget to fill our bellies, right?" said Rob to the others.

After hearing Rob, Morthy was alightly confused, saying: "Would we be able to find any sort of food in this swamp? After all, the water is not that deep, there is mud right below of us. I don't think there would be any fish around. And, as for the few trees here and there, I don't see any fruit on them. I doubt there would be anything that could fill our bellies there either."

"Hmm... you have a point Morthy. Since you are a Molio, I understand why you would think so. You probably think that we can find food in the caves ahead. But, If it is about searching for food in swamps, we should ask the experts about it. So what do you think, Breeve and Broam? Is it possible to find food in this particular swamp?" asked Rob.

"Right, when we dove down into the water, I actually saw some things that we could possibly eat. There are most likely some clams and other things buried in the mud. This swamp isn't actually that much different from the other swamps we have seen before." said Breeve.

"I guess that settles it. Breeve and Broam, you guys search for some food. I and Morthy will prepare to cook them." said Rob.

Rob and Morthy took some mud from the swamp to put their fire on the raft. They then steer the raft near some trees to get some wood. After that, Rob casted <Ignis>, a basic fire spell to light the fire.

After some time, Breeve and Broam came back with some small clams, crabs, and all sort of other critters. Morthy wasn't so pleasant when he saw them, but he still ate some. Their taste wasn't too bad, the only bad thing is that we need to gather so much of them to feel full.

"All right, now that we are done with eating, we shall go deeper in. But, before that we should leave a sign for the others to let them know that we went in deeper." said Rob.

After leaving some writing on a tree, the four of them headed deeper into the cave. Not long after leaving, they found that the swamp doesn't last long, they were soon met with dry ground.

At a first glance there seemed to be no life on this area of the cave. But, they could see several critters here and there. After heading a little bit deeper,  the cave started to branch. Other than the cave branching, there are also drops on the ground. Those drops seem to lead even deeper into the ground.

"Hmm.... I am quite glad that this cave is this big, but If we continue on ahead without any plans, we might get lost and die." said Morthy.

"You sure said that so easily. I do agree with you though. So, what do you think Rob?" asked Broam.

"I think it is a wise choice to stop right. But, I think this is a good place to set up our base of operations. It is just before the cave splits up into branches after all. I guess I'll have to create teams so that we can be more efficient..." said Rob.

"For now, we should prepare this area for our base of operations. Morthy, could you perhaps dig a room here? There is a small cavity on that wall, It would be enough to just make it smooth and bigger. As for Breeve and Broam, can you guys make a wooden table for the room? Perhaps some wooden chairs as well." said Rob.

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