ARC 3 --- Chapter 29 --- New Location

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[Part 1]

Weeks have passed since the journey started. Finding a new place to call home is not as easy as it seems. It's not like any place could be called home. This first decision, which is choosing the location... it's an important one.

"We need a strategic location. If possible, quite close to civilization. That way we can easily attract people." discussed Rob as they ate together.

Quite some time passed, and they finally reached a good location. Scouts have reported that there is a human village nearby. That is already a good sign. They just came upon this place. It is near the clearing of a forest, which is full of magical beasts and plants.

There is a huge mountain in the distance, with a mist covering iys surface. There is also a huge river flowing from the forest towards the mountain. This river has a huge cliff on its right side as it leads towards the mountain. Right near the river is a cave. A good place to start scouting.

We went in several steps only to find that this cave has its own inhabitants. There were many monsters with wings hanging from the top. I believe it is a bat, seeing it only reminds of the giant monstrosity I encountered near master's place. I am just glad I won't have to face off with that thing anytime soon. It's not like we are thirsty for more magic mathers.

"Pulmo, do you know what these guys are? Any special abilities?" Asked Rob.

"Well, even though I have a vast knowledge, I don't know everything. They have, however the common abilities of bats. They use something called Magilocation. First they emit small waves of magical energy. When the magical energy bounces off objects, they detect that. They can tell how far the object is, and how big or small it is. Because they spend a lot of time in the darkness, they don't rely on their eyes." explained Pulmo.

"Bats aside, should we get rid of them? We are planning on turning this cave into our dungeon, right? Or are we going to move again?" asked Bromin.

"No, I have decided. This location is quite strategic. Seeing these bats here also shows that there are quite a few creatures here. We won't get rid of them. The dungeon I envision will not be our home alone, but also tons of other creatures that will help out the dungeon. We would be one entity, to make a home. As far as I know, these bats would be excellent scouts. If only we could tame and train them..." said Rob.

"Connecting to nature would be a more suitable job for the three races. Even though you are a shaman that's supposed to connect to the spirits of nature, the three races have more of a connection with nature as a whole. As for taming monsters goes... it won't be too difficult." explained Pulmo.

"Hmm... for now, let's just capture them. We'll release them when we have tamed them. Now, we need some work to be done. All of you Molio, to create a good enviroment for your Landwaurms, we need lava. That's why, you guys need to dig until you reach lava. When you do, create chambers where we'll be staying. This cave will just be an entrance. We'll need to set up traps later on, but for now we need a living area. There is also storage, and for crafting. I'd say we need about 20 rooms for now. This will be hard work... so I want all of the Molio working on it. Klaus and Morbo, I'll task the two of you to lead them. Morbo you lead them in digging. Klaus, you tell them the sizes of the chambers and the number of rooms. Make the entrance deeper into the cave. I don't want any enemies to reach our main area so easily. The rest of you Beavem and Crummerers will forage in the forest. I want you guys to forage for food. The Beavem will store many logs for construction. Also, don't engage any monsters unless you want them for food. Report to me what kind of resources there are in the forest, also the kind of monsters. Bromin, you will lead them." ordered Rob.

"That's a good start, but I'd say there should be around ten of each of the Beavem and Crummerers staying here. There are important resources for you guys to manage. Just create a pond near the entrance of the cave for the Igliko. You Beavem are masters when it comes to water, I'm sure you guys can create a small pond here. also, create a home for those Duor spiders. There is also planting to be done. Some of those Farador trees and the Linka tree." said Pulmo.

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