ARC 3 ---Chapter 28 --- Decision

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[Part 1]

The wind blew softly across the region. The land was filled with fallen trees, and the ground was full of signs of the battle. Holes and ashes could be seen everywhere. The demons were nowhere to be seen. They have already vanished without a trace through the mysterious portal.

The inhabitants of the land were victorious after the demons lost their goal. They decided to make a grand celebration that night. Not only to celebrate for their victory, but also the new peace between the three races.

The wood building and semi-aquatic beaver race, the Beavem. The earth-digging blacksmith mole race, the Molio. And the forest-dwelling and nature-loving birds, the Crummerers. The three races were on a war before, because of the harsh competition between them. For a long time, peace was never there. Only after a huge crisis such as the demon army's invasion, did they manage to cooperate together.

The two outsiders who contributed to this battle, were in the midst of celebrating. The two of them didn't plan on staying too long here. Their original plan was to steal the Magic Mather of the land. In the end, they decided to help out the inhabitants of the land in their fight against the demons. They suffered many injuries as the demon army was strong. They had to let the inhabitants of the land absorb the Magic Mather itself, leaving them only a part of its power.

Bromin, Klaus, and Morbo announced the two outsiders to all of the citizens. Since Rob felt that he can trust all of them, he decided to open up. He told his own tale. What kind of life he had, and the tragedy that happened later. His several years of training... meeting Pulmo... and finally stumbling upon this land. He decided to confess their original goal of stealing the Magic Mather of sealing, Ordios.

Most of the three races weren't too happy to hear their original goal, but their attitude towards Rob and Pulmo soon changed as they heard of their deeds. Their deeds were announced by the three leaders of the respective races. There was no reason for them to not believe it, despite having heard Rob and Pulmo's intentions. The celebration party went on until midnight.

Pulmo quickly spoke up what was in his mind. "I'm sorry If I'm ruining the mood, but you all should know that a large crisis is about to befall upon this land. This land has been protected by the Magic Mather for many years. Now that the Magic Mather is gone, the area will be unstable. First the land would crumble. It will take years before it can become stable again. Most importantly, this land won' be safe to inhabit." said Pulmo.

"Is that really the case. We... our ancestors have lived in this land for a long time. To suddenly leave it... it's not to my liking." said Klaus.

"Is there any way for you to fix it? To make this land become stable again?" asked Bromin.

"Unfortunately, since the Magic Mather has been absorbed completely, there is nothing I can do." said Pulmo.

"Then.. does that mean the hill where Ravestia originally was..." asked Rob.

"Yes, it has most likely crumbled by now. As for this land... it might take only a week for it to crumble as well." explained Pulmo.

"Then what are we celebrating for?! Sure, we made the demon army retreat, but... our land is going to be gone." Said Morbo furiously.

"Do we have to move from here? I honestly don't want to leave this land. Even If it crumbles... it is still our home." Said Bromin.

With a sad look, Rob walked over towards Bromin.

"Bromin, I know what you feel. My home.. my tribe was taken away from me. The humans suddenly destroyed it, without a warning. As for you guys, yiu at least have one week to think about this. Whether to stay and die along with this land, or just move away from here." Said Rob.

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