Chat and Mari

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Marinette POV

It was around 11pm when Chat knocked on my window. I waved and he grinned his signature flirty smile.

"Hey Chaton." I greeted as he dropped onto my bed.

"Hello princess!" Chat seemed to be really excited, before composing himself.

"Wow, what was that all about?" I asked.

"I guess I'm just happy to see you." He said with a smile.

I turned around so that he couldn't see me blush.

"Nice to see you too." I said over my shoulder.

I felt his breath on my neck as he leaned over to see what I was doing.

"Wow! These designs are amazing!" Chat Noir said, taking the book.

"Hey silly kitty, I need that!" I laughed trying to take it back. 

He held it up higher, and stood on his toes. He had almost an entire foot on me no matter how hard I tried to stretch. Ladybug instincts kicked in and I tickled him in his rib cage. He lost his balance and fell onto my floor. The noise wasn't too loud but it made us freeze. I suddenly heard footsteps coming up the stairs. 

"Go!" I whispered to Chat.

He jumped up onto my bed trying to reach the trapdoor with me right on his tail. I threw off the covers as he lifted the trapdoor but the door downstairs started to open.

I grabbed his tail and pushed him into the blankets quickly hiding him.

Chat Noir POV

I struggled not to gasp as I held my tail. She gripped it as hard as Ladybug... oh wait she is Ladybug.

"Marinette is everything all right up here?" I heard a man's voice ask. It was her dad probably.

"Oh yeah papa. I just... rolled over and hit my head on the wall."

"Oh, are you okay?" I heard a couple of steps and Mari's body pressed into mine as she struggled to hide the lump my body made.

I blushed, as what I figured was her arm wrapped around my chest.

"Oh yeah, I'm good papa, just tired..."

"Oh, then I'll leave you to get some sleep. Night honey!"

"Goodnight papa."

If only I had a dad that cared.

I heard the door close and started to rise.

"Shh. Wait." she hissed.

I waited under the blankets, her warmth strangely comforting. 

"Okay, he's gone." she announced, pulling the covers off of me.

"Too bad..." I muttered so she couldn't hear me.

She sat up as I did too. We looked at each other, then I blushed.

"That was awkward." she admitted.

"Yeah." I said blushing, "but at least it got me this."

I held up the sketchbook and she giggled.

"Silly kitty."

Taking a chance, I pulled her close and leaned on her as I opened it.

Inside were detailed designs of hats, gloves, dresses, jackets, you name it. They were all masterfully done, as if they had come straight from my father's company.

"Wow purr-incess. I swear you draw better than the Evillustrator." I complemented.

"Thanks." she said shyly.

She turned the pages until she found the one she was working on. A scarlet dress with a big black bow, and a black tuxedo with green outlining and a gold bow tie.

"Are those based off of yo... Ladybug and I?" I asked.

"Yeah. Everyone loves you two huh? I went online to find some ideas and immediately stuff like this popped up."

"Hmm." She was deep in concentration as she sketched and she looked so adorable.

I leaned over and rested my chin on her shoulder, breathing in the scent of cookies and pastries.

She blushed, "Chat?"

"You smell good..." 

I nuzzled into her neck and she laughed.

"Stop that tickles." she giggled.

"Oh does it now?" I teased starting to hug her while continuing.

"Chat! Chat stop!" she laughed, trying not to make too much noise. I rolled over so she was next to me.

"Not until I get a kiss." 

The words just tumbled out of my mouth. Darn my cat confidence. What if she said no???

She looked at me, slightly pink. I blushed and got onto fours. (A crawling position if you don't know what that means.) 

"Sorry. I don't know what..."

I broke off as Mari touched my face. She held the back of my neck and leaned up. I closed my eyes as our lips touched. 

Marinette POV

I could taste his sweet flavor, and held the kiss for as long as I could. It was miraculous. When I finally lost all my breath I then broke our contact. We both panted, and Chat started to lean in for another.

"Not yet kitty." I said putting a finger in front of his lips, even though I really wanted to go back.

"Wha?" he said dazed.

"Come on, I need to take your measurements." 

I slid off the bed and walked to my drawer. I pulled out a long tape measure and Chat looked at it like a curious kitten. 

"K, hold still and bend down." I instructed.

"I can't hold still and bend down at the same time." he pointed out.

"Oh right. Uhh... Bend down, then hold still." I stammered. 

He kneeled down and I wraped the tape measure around his head. He was about a size...

I gasped as Chat wrapped his arms around my stomach than picked me up. My legs dangled far off the ground and I was bent over his shoulder like a sack of flour.

"Chat?!" I laughed.

"No complaining Purr-incess. It's hard to stay quiet while having fun. Let's go out."

He climbed up the bed post and out the trapdoor.

"Where are we going silly kitty?" I asked laughing.

He pulled me around to his front and carried me like a 3 year old. Wow, he was strong.

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise." he teased and pushed the paw on his baton.

"CHAAAT!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as we launched off of the balcony at breath taking speeds.

He laughed and swung away with me.

Chat Noir POV

I set her down on the top of the Eiffel Tower. She finally removed her face from my chest, and I was surprised there wasn't an indent there. She panted. I found it funny, considering she did this all the time as Ladybug.

"Don't do that again." 

I chuckled and took her hand, leading her to the edge of the railing.

"Isn't it pretty?" I asked.

She looked out over the landscape, every single light reflecting in her luminous bluebell eyes. I knew she had seen it before, but I didn't know if she had at night.

"Wow." she stated simply.

She looked up into my green eyes, and I stared down into hers. I took her hand, and tilting her chin... stole another kiss.

Miraculous Love ; Book 1 ; Split In FourWhere stories live. Discover now