School Problems

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^^^^^^ Is that a bit of Chat flirtation I see Adrien???? >W<

Marinette POV

"I'm so late! I'm so late! I'm so late!" I chanted, running up the steps to my classroom. The metal seemed to chant with me, my flats hitting them lightly.

I stopped right outside the door, opening it carefully as to not let the teacher know I was coming in. I crept up to my desk and sat down.

Wow, managed to not trip this time.

I pulled out my homework and tablet ready to take notes. Alya showed me what I had missed.

Thanks to Chat Noir, I had a midnight project of taking down all my Adrien posters. I don't want him to notice them next time he surprises me. Why do I have so many? Not that I'm complaining...

I looked up to the board to write down the next things but was caught way off guard by what I saw.

Adrien was looking at me! I froze, not knowing what to do. I snapped out of it and waved shyly. He smiled. HE SMILED AT ME!!!

Adrien POV

When the teacher wasn't looking, I glanced behind me to look at Marinette. She looked really tired. Can't blame her, a midnight visit from a handsome superhero would keep anyone awake for a while.

Suddenly Marinette looked up and caught me. She froze, then waved. I gave a little wave back, embarrassed that she had caught me staring... then turned before the teacher could catch me.

Marinette POV

"Did you see that! He smiled at me!" I whispered to Alya.

"It was better than that girl, he was staring at you!" she smirked.

For the rest of class I was really giddy. It was hard to focus on the lesson. When the bell rang, Alya nudged me.

"Go talk to him." she demanded.

"Right now?!"

"Yes! Hurry before he goes!" she said, turning me around.

I started to go down the steps toward him, but on the last one a certain person stuck her foot out.

I cried out and fell as Chloe snorted. On my knees, I began to get up, angry that Chloe had ruined my chance to talk to Adrien, but someone bent down. Adrien extended his hand and helped me up.

"Chloe, that wasn't funny. Come on Marinette." he said taking my hand to lead me out.

I both blushed and winced as I took my first step on my now bruised leg. It hurt like crazy but I didn't care. Adrien was holding my hand!

Adrien POV

I was angry at Chloe, she had no right to hurt someone like that, specifically Marinette. I lead Mari out of the classroom before slowing down.

"Are you hurt?" I asked.

"Uh... My bruised on leg... I mean, I bruised my leg but it's okay." she stuttered looking away.

Why am I so scary to her? Was it something I did? Oh! I'm holding her hand. That's probably why.

"Oh, sorry Mari." I let go of her hand.

"Oh no! It's fine. I mean, not if you didn't want to... I mean. It was okay.. I mean..."

She was interrupted by a loud crash outside of the school. Police cars started to race past and I knew that superhero duties called.

"What was that?" I said racing to the front of the school.

Marinette POV

As Adrien ran away, I raced/wobbled after him. I had to make sure he wasn't hurt. Suddenly the wall beside me burst, a huge green vine covered in thorns pushing through. I scrambled backwards but due to my injured leg I fell. The vine found my foot and at light speed wrapped around my leg. The thorns cut through my skin like knifes. I screamed, blinded by pain.


Nathaniel ran towards me but there was nothing he could do. He gripped my hand and tried to pull the vine away.


Out of nowhere Chat Noir appeared, and raked his claws across the vines. The vines died, leaving me behind with a bloody leg.

"Mari! Oh! Are you okay? I was so worried!" Nathaniel cried pulling me into a hug.

Chat Noir POV

I couldn't stand it. Some cat instinct deep inside of me growled at the sight. I ran toward Mari, and picked her up, Nathaniel being forced to let go.

"Thanks but I have to get her to somewhere safe. This villian might have her as a target."

It took almost everything I had not to hiss at him. His eyes narrowed and at that moment, I knew that we were going to be competitors in the race for Mari. I pushed my baton into the ground and held on to Mari and we ascended. She held on tightly to my neck, she seemed to be in pain.

I set her down on a nearby rooftop, safely out of the way.

"You wait here. I'll be back for you as soon as I finish taking care of this akuma."

"Thank you Chat." she managed.

As I sprang away towards the school, reality seemed to hit me in the face. What was I DOING? Ladybug was the one I loved, not Mari! Why was I ruining her chance to have someone? This was so confusing!

Marinette POV

"Are you okay Mari? That looks bad." Tikki said, looking at my leg.

"It hurts, but I don't have time to wrap it up yet." I said looking around to make sure no one was watching.

"Tikki, Spots on!"

Nathaniel POV

I watched them soar away together, and a deep hatred of Chat Noir suddenly grew in me. How could he do this? They didn't even know each other!

I sunk to the ground, he didn't deserve her.

"Evillustrator, I am Hawk Moth. Ready for round two?"

Miraculous Love ; Book 1 ; Split In FourWhere stories live. Discover now