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Chat Noir POV

I dropped onto Mari's bed, careful not to wake her. I climbed down and set her on the sofa, adjusting her position so she'd be comfortable. I stood up and looked at her.

I can't believe I never noticed the similarities between her and Ladybug.
The same hair style, the same attractive eyes, even the same darn earrings! Wait.

The earrings weren't the same. I crouched down and inspected them. These were oval shaped and bright pink. Where were hers?

I remembered the black box she had last night. I walked over to her dresser and pulled open a drawer. There, amid pictures of me was a black box with red markings, just like mine. I took it out and took a final glance at the pictures.

Wait, what was that?

I pulled out a carefully folded piece of paper and opened it.

Your hair dark as night,
Your pretty bluebell eyes
I wonder who you are beneath that strong disguise,

It was my poem! I smiled as I realized what must have really happened that day. Mari caught me writing this and took it when I threw it away. Since she is Ladybug she thought the description was about her (which it was) and replied back to it! So, that letter really did come from Ladybug.

I put the note back and knelt down next to Mari, opening the box. Inside two circular earrings glistened. She really was her...

I picked up an earring and a goldish glow emitted from my hand. Both my ring and the earrings where glowing! I inspected them.

"Hmm, weird." I muttered.

I replaced the regular earring with the miraculous, the dos the same for the other ear. When the latches where closed a red glow formed into a kwami.

The kwami looked up and gasped.

"Shhh!" I whispered.

"Chat Noir! What are you doing here!? And how do you know about Mari's earrings?!" She whispered.

"She got akumatized, and I figured out who Ladybug really was." I said stroking Mari's face.

The kwami went silent as I leaned down and kissed Mari's forehead.

"Goodnight my lady." I whispered.

As I stood up I looked at the kwami.

"Please don't tell her I was here, or that I know."

"I won't." She said.

"Promise... What's your name?"

"Tikki, and I promise."

I smiled then climbed out of the room and jumped off towards my home.

Miraculous Love ; Book 1 ; Split In FourWhere stories live. Discover now