Midnight Chats

442 19 53

Chat Noir POV

I hung upside down and rapped on Mari's window. She looked up from her computer and waved.

I dropped through the trapdoor, onto her bed and bounced, landing on her floor.

"Hey Chat." she greeted, spinning around in her chair. 

"Hello Mari. Whatch ya doing?" I asked, glancing at the screen behind her.

"I was playing Ultimate Mecha Strike III. Want to join me?"

"I've played that before. Team or solo?" I asked slyly. 

Marinette did great at that tournament. She and Max make a great team... like Ladybug and I!

"Let's be a team first, then we can play solo." she said, tossing me a remote.

Marinette POV

"Here you can sit Chat, I'll stand." I said, staring to put weight on my good leg.

"No! Princess your leg. I'll stand." he said making me sit back down.

"No, you're the guest Chat, I'll stand. Really I'm fine. I've been sitting all day!"

"Here, let's do this." he suggested. He picked me up bridal style, sat down in my chair, then placed me upright on his lap.

"That's better right?" he said, his face uncomfortably close to mine. 

"I'd prefer the other way." I said, trying not to blush.

We started playing the game. Both of us, giving their full attention to the screen, and trying to work together as best as we could. Chat kept making mistakes though, so I reminded him again and again that he needed to focus more. It almost felt like we were trying to beat the Gamer's akuma. When we finished the round though, we had lost.

"Ugh. That went well." I groaned.

"Awh, purrr-incess doesn't like losing?" Chat teased.

"Maybe." Marinette huffed, starting up the solo match. 

(Credit for this little tidbit goes to ilovedonut1 ! )


Chat Noir POV

"Well that was fun." I said reaching around Mari and placing the remote on her desk.

"Yeah, I only beat you like every time." she teased.

She reached out at closed the program, revealing her home screen.

"What the..." I leaned forward to look at this better.

"Wha... OH. Hehehe, that's nothing. Ignore that while I close..." She shut off the screen.

"So Princess, what is it with you and this model? Fangirl or what?" I asked slyly.

"I'm not a fangirl! I mean. It's not like that." she grabbed her crutches and walked to her other chair. (what's the bed thing called, with the umbrella???)

"So what is it then?" I asked walking over to her.

I sat down and waited for her response. She seemed to be debating on wither to tell me or not.

"He's... just a friend." 

"I don't see any pictures of Alya all over your walls and home screen." I said slyly. 

"You saw those... on the walls. Ugh..." she laid down on her back and stared at the ceiling.

"Come on Princess. I won't tell Adrien. You can trust me. Cat's honor." I said raising my hand.

She looked at me suspiciously, "Well... only if you don't tell anyone. Not even Ladybug." 

"Cat's honor Mari. Kinda the point."

"Okay... so Adrien's this guy who goes to my school... and..." she took a breath, "I have this really big crush on him because he's really nice and sweet and handsome and I can hardly talk to him without stuttering and making a fool of myself because every time I look at him I just get so nervous. He probably thinks I'm the biggest fool ever but I just can't help but..." she spoke really fast then stopped. 

She looked at me and laughed nervously. "Sorry, rambling."

Mari... likes me. Marinette likes me! What?! That's why she stutters and ohh... I'm such an idiot. How could've I not have known!  At this point, Ladybug herself could be in front of me, civilian form and I would never know. Not that, that is ever going to happen. I'd recognize her of course.

"No it's fine. I totally get it." I said. 

Mari didn't have a clue but under the mask I was blushing. She likes me! Such a beautiful, wonderful, talented,... wait Ladybug. Ladybug was my true love. Oh, Mari...

"And it's not just some celebrity crush." she said, misinterpreting my silence, "I really like him for who he is. He's sweet, handsome, kind..."

Marinette POV

I stopped and looked at Chat. He was silent and staring at the floor. What was he thinking?

"Hey," I touched his hand, "Are you okay Chat?"

"What? Oh! Yes, it's just... I was thinking of Ladybug. The way you described Adrien, made me think of her..."

"Handsome?" I asked, half joking.

He laughed, "No. Beautiful."

Beautiful. He called me beautiful.

"She's basically what Adrien is to you. She's amazing, and is just.... purrfect." he grinned at me.

I felt a warmth spread with in me. So, kitty wasn't joking. He really does love me. I didn't know what to do. I loved Adrien, but I loved my kitty as a partner too.

"Well. Anyway. *coughs* What do you want to do now?" 

"Well... We could watch a movie if you want?" I suggested.

"What do you have?" he asked, standing up.

"Well, let's start with Princess Bride, and then we can watch a cartoon I really like?" 


"Honestly... the puns..."

Chat Noir POV

I set Mari down next to me, and positioned her close by me. I don't know why... Ladybug was my crush right? 

But Mari likes me...

But I like Ladybug... 


"Can you believe these people!?" Mari cried out.

"I know! It's so obvious that Talon loves Penny. They should just get together!"

"There is no way life is really like this."

"Yeah. Exactly. I wish I could just jump in there and fix it already."

>W< Omgosh, just can't...

Oh and guys! I'm finished editing. Go ahead and continue with the story, or re-read if you haven't already.

-Katalyne Wibiberg

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