Real Update!?

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A/N: Here you go, I'll update like old times

Dirk POV

I woke up with heavy pounding in my head. I took some pain pills then I downed my cup of water. "Ugh, I need to get my life together." ((A/N: unlike you and Jake)) 

I got up, grabbing my laptop and plugging it in. I sat back down on my bed, turning the computer on and putting in my password. Once it was opened I searched for apartments. There was a nice one close to my main work place so I clicked on it to see the details. I found out that rent was about 800$ a month and you could have pets. I always wanted a cat.

I talked to the landlord and she agreed to show me tomorrow. 

I got up, walking around and finding close to wear. Once I was dressed I went outside, getting in my car and starting it up. I turned on the normal radio and Story Of My Life by 1 Dick Erection or whatever they're called. I stared at the radio, debating weather or not to just listen to it. I gave in, pulling out of the parking lot and driving towards Sam's house. 

((Dirk is Bold))

Hey Dick wad, I'm coming over

As long as you cook breakfast for the people I gathered


The song got to the chorus and I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry. "The story of my life, I take her home! I drive all night to keep her warm and time, is froooooooozen!" I sang out, smiling and laughing at myself. "Dumb ass." I mumbled to myself, pulling up to Sam's house. 

I turned off my car whispering "I'm sorry Nial." And walking up to her door. 

I knock on the door, soon after hearing people groaning in pain and someone yelled "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Then Sam was at the door. "Hi, how's babysitting?" I teased seeing as how there were about 2 other people in there. "Shut the fuck up and get in here." She said, grabbing my arm and pulling my into her lovely home. "It smells like cigarettes, booze and vomit." I complained, covering my nose. "And soon it'll smell like breakfast get in the kitchen." She said, pushing me into her kitchen. 

"I'll start the coffee you start cooking something." Sam said, her pain pills not working yet. "Pancakes?" I asked, opening her fridge. "I don't fucking care." She said, making the coffee. 

"Hey." I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to see Karkat. "Hey Karks, how's your head?" I asked, cracking a few eggs in a bowl, making the batter. "Feels like someone fucked every hole I have." He said, going over to the fridge and reaching up for the pills. I reached up over him, taking them down and handing them to him. "Here you go shorty." I said, chuckling. He flipped me off. Makes sense. 

Sam handed him a cup of coffee and he down it and his pills. I finished the batter, now cooking the smol flat cakes. "Whatcha makin?" Karkat asked, looking over the counter and to the stove. "Pancakes." I said simply, taking the pan off the stove and flipping the pancake. "Ooo, honey you're makin me hot." Porrim teased, walking into the kitchen and kissing my cheek. "Any time baby." I winked at her getting a laugh out of Karkat. "Hey, fuck on your own time I want breakfast." Sam said, leaning against the counter, drinking her coffee. 

After I cooked all the batter I learned that Jake was here too. He was sleeping on the couch still. "Fuck yeah! Dirky made food Jake!" Sam yelled, getting a groan from the living room. "Let's eat, he'll get up." Porrim said, grabbing a plate full of pancakes and sitting at the table.

After Karkat and Sam got their food Jake walked into the kitchen, putting his hand on my shoulder, pulling me down, and kissing my cheek. "Thanks babe." He said, getting a plate and filling it with food. "Anytime honey." I chuckled, getting my food and sitting with them. 

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