Say Hello To A Few Friends

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A/N: Everyone, say hello to Amara and Hannah. They are my best friends and they are now going to be forced into this book. Like birth. I'll shove them out of my brain/womb and they will be born into this shit world I call a book.

Dirk POV

I woke up to my phone going off non stop. I rub the sleep from my eyes and turn on the phone, seeing an endless amount of texts and missed calls from Sollux. "What the..." I mumbled, opening the texts and seeing 20 new from him. 

Hey, did you get to the motel all right?



Dirk, are you okay?

Hey, if you're mad at me that's fine just let me know you're safe.


Baby, I'm sorry...


Listen, I know I hurt them, but it was always going to end badly.


Fuck Dirk

I need to know you're okay

Please Dirk


Don't let me know

I'll just cry myself to sleep again

Okay, fuck you

I get it if I was a bit of a bitch, but this is just horrible

Okay, that last message was dumb, I'm sorry...

Fine, fuck you, bye

"Dammit..." I said under my breath, dialing Sollux and waiting. Sollux answers the phone almost right away. "Hello?" He asked, sounding nervous, happy, and angry at the same time. "Hey, I just got all your messages. Sorry about that, I forgot to call you once I got here." I said, sitting up and rubbing my face to wake me up. "O-oh..." He said on the other end, obviously embarrassed about being wrong. "Sorry about all of that..." He said, chuckling. "It's fine, I was a little mad last night." I said, chuckling too. "Well, I have to go start looking for apartments." I said, trying to end this conversation. "Oh, ok, i'll talk to you later." Sollux said, waiting for my response before hanging up. "Yeah, Later." I said, hanging up. After about 10 minutes of laying down, I finally got up and got dressed. I gathered all of my stuff then left. I set the few things I had in my car, then went to the office to return my key. 

I walked into the office, seeing Kanaya at the desk. "Hey Kan, how's Karkat?" I asked, setting the key on the desk. "He's fine, he'll make it threw." She said, surprisingly not mad. "Well, I came to return this and check out." I said, smiling slightly. "Right." She said, putting the key back and typing some things into a computer that was neck to her. "There you go, all done. I hope you enjoyed your stay." She said, smiling. "Thanks." I replied, waving slightly before leaving to my car. 

I got into the driver's seat and closed the door, turning on the car. The radio turned on and Golden Days blasted through the car. I flinched slightly at the loud sudden noise, then smiled. I turned down the radio a bit then drove off to my old apartment. 

I pulled into the parking lot they had for the residents and parked, looking up to my window and seeing Karkat sitting on the bench right under the window with a blanket over him and a cup of something steaming. I got out of my car, walking up to the door to the building and opening it with the key I still had. 

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