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 no one's POV

sam: In honor of this beautiful proposal.....let's get drunk!

karkat: know me like a book!

sollux: oh shit.

sam passed a beer out to everyone except kankri, kanaya, and equis.

~time skip~

sam: okay now that everyone is drunk we can play 7 minutes in heaven!

porrim: if yo are dating someone you don't have to participate.

karkat: so me, sollux, sam, porrim, dave, and john will not be in this.

sam: everyone else put something of yours in the box!


aradia= lil' cal

tavros= pupa pan key chain

nepeta= her hat

terezi= glasses

gamzee= faygo

equis= towel

fef= little spear

kanaya= scarf

eriden= wand key chain

virska= dice

mituna= bee plushy

sign= a key chain with his symbol on it

psii= his hair holder

kankri= his sweater


karkat: okay who's going first?

sam: I vote kankri!

porrim: kanny dear you're up!

kankri: ok.

kankri walks up to the box and pulls out a bee plushy

sam: ooooooo mituna! you and kanny in the closet! ((A/N: not like they haven't been there before.))

~~~~~~~7 mins. in heaven list~~~~~~








~time skip~

karkat: sollux we should make out.

sollux: I think we should do that after we get everyone home safely

karkat: but they can just sleep here

sollux: no they cant. you're to loud during sex everyone will here you

karkat: everyone is making out they wont even notice some on~

sollux: nope lets take everyone home first.

karkat: ugh fine

sollux: you wanna ride with?

karkat: yeah!

sollux: okay let's go.

~time skip(it's almost 10 o'clock at night don't judge!)~

sollux: okay everyone is home so now we can-mf!

sollux got cut off by karkat kissing him.

karkat: i'm really horny right now!

sollux: I can tell!

sollux brings them to the bedroom and lays them on the bed.

karkat: I love you sollux!

sollux: love you too babe!

karkat starts a makeout session. sollux starts to palm karkat through his pants.

karkat: ah! sollux!

sollux: you are so hot~

karkat: sollux?

sollux: yeah kk?

karkat: i'm really tired.

karkat falls asleep right then and there even though he had a boner.

sollux: well okay then.

sollux snuggles up to karkat and they fall asleep in each other's arms.

A/N: HA! Drunk karkat is such a cock-blocker. Well no lemon in this chapter. I know you must be thinking "But sam we haven't had a lemon for 2 chapters? What happened?" the answer is simple every time I update for some reason it is at night so I am super tired and I don't feel like writing a lemon. I promis that next chapter will have a very graphic lemon. later nerds! Merry Christmas!

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