Happy Life

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A/N: I have decided to keep the book going! all of the comments were saying "more ships" or "plz don't stop writing" so here you guys go! also this book got 2k views so ill keep going.

sollux's POV

So kk got drunk last night and cock-blocked me. That was...fun. Anyway, it is so early. what time is it? oh only 10am.

Karkat: hey babe, how long have you been up for?

sollux: only like 5 mins

karkat: oh ok

sollux: do you need some headache medicine?

karkat: that would be great thank you

sollux: no problem honey

I smile and kiss kk's forehead and go to the bathroom to get medicine. I get back and see kk sitting up.

sollux: here

karkat: thanks honey bee

sollux: that's fiancé to you

karkat: *smiles the biggest and sweetest smile ever* I know fiancé

sollux: you have no idea how happy I was when you said yes

karkat: well you have no idea how happy I was when you asked me

I kissed kk and hugged him.

sollux: love you

karkat: love you too

~time skip of cuteness~ no one's POV

Sollux and karkat are sitting on the couch watching the titanic and cuddling.

sollux: hey babe?

karkat: yeah?

sollux: when should we have the wedding?

karkat: I don't know

sollux: I mean do you really want to marry me? I'm messy, I'm a douche, and the longest relationship other than you was 3 months.

karkat: OF COURSE I WANT TO MARRY YOU!! I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't!

sollux: Are you sure? Getting married is a big responsibility. Are we really able to handle it?

karkat: Do...do you want to marry me?

sollux: Of course I do but, I mean can we handle it? I love you to pluto and back but, I don't know if we can do it.

karkat: I-I um...If you really think that we can wait to get married. We can just stay fiancés.

sollux: I just want to know for sure you can deal with me and you really love me.

karkat: *hugs sollux tightly* Of course I really love you!! Please don't ever think like that again!! I love you more than I ever loved anyone!! I am ready to marry whenever you are comfortable with it. I am willing to wait years if it means i'll be able to marry you.

sollux: I just-

karkat: Don't say it again! I love you and if you want to get married to me the answer will always be yes!!

karkat broke out in tears and sollux hugged back tighter.

sollux: please don't cry!! I didn't want you to cry!! I love you soo much!! i'll love you forever-ever.

karkat: *laughs* forever-ever

sollux: so when should we have the wedding?

karkat: I was thinking 2 weeks from now.

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