More Of My Squad

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A/N: This is more of Amara/Hannah/sam's backstory


"Saaaaaammmm!!!" I hear Hannah shout as she entered the apartment. "Fuck." I whispered, still on top of Porrim. "I thought you were alone today!" Porrim whisper shouted. "I though I was too!" I whispered back, standing up and fixing my clothes. I walk out of the room to see Hannah putting her set of keys in the tray by the door. "Hey, you cleaning?" Hannah asked, going to the fridge and grabbing a beer. "Um, kind of. Hey, I though you had art." I said, rubbing the back of my head, worried. "The teacher was wasted so it got canceled. I texted you about it. I got a ride from Joseph though." She said, shrugging and sitting on the couch. "I though you broke up with him." I said, sitting next to her. "He is good for one thing I guess." Hannah chuckled, taking a drink from the bottle and leaning forward to the coffee table. "Well, what about Amara? She still have Chem?" I asked, leaning forward too. "Yeah, I think." Hannah shrugged, grabbing the pack of cigarettes off the table and taking one. "Those will kill you y'know." I said, smirking. "Stop buying them then Dip Shit." She said, lighting it then taking a drag. "Do me a favor?" I asked her, getting up and grabbing my car keys. "Depends." She said, blowing out a bunch of smoke and drinking more. "Go get more monster and cigs from the store?" I asked, tossing the keys to her. "Deal, brb." Hannah said, putting her cigarette out and putting the bottle on the table, getting up and leaving. 

I made sure Hannah left, then ran into her room. "I got her to leave for a bit." I said, smiling at her. "I'm guessing not long enough to finish?" Porrim asked. "Unless you wanna hop on the shower." I offered, pointing towards the bathroom. "Can I wear your clothes after?" Porrim asked, smirking. "That or no clothes." I chuckled, taking her hand and bringing her to the bathroom.

Hannah POV

I got in the car, starting it and turning on some TOP. I got to the gas station, turning off the car and getting out. I walked into the store, heading for the fridges and grabbing two 6 packs of monster. I went to the front desk, smiling at the cashier. "Hey Hannah." Ryan chimed at me, ringing up my stuff. "Hey Ryan. Having fun at work?" I asked, leaning over the counter. "I'm so happy." Ryan said, sarcasm coating his words. "Also, 2 packs of Marbrolds." I said, seeing Ryan frown. "I told you to quit. Smoking makes your kisses taste bitter." He said, ringing up 2 packs and putting them in the bag. "I'll quit...eventually." Hannah said, paying and taking her bag. "I love you." She said, leaning over the counter more. "I love you too." Ryan said, giving me a kiss and frowning. "Before you got here?" Ryan asked, referring to the smoking. "I took like 2 drags." I said, putting my hands up in defense. "Whatever, just don't die." Ryan said, letting me off the hook. "I wont!" I called to him, leaving the store. 

Amara POV

"By mixing those 2 chemicals you get a reaction that turns their color to a vibrant blue." I said, in response to the question just asked. "Correct Wills." Mr. Smith said, smiling. I perked up, loving this class. "That's it for today guys. Class got cut short due to a meeting." Mr. Smith said, smiling. I take my time packing my things so I'm the last student in the room. "Wills, come here real quick?" Mr. Smith asked me. I walked over to him from my spot, smiling the whole time. "Yes Mr. Smith?" I asked, him smiling too. "Wipe that sexy smiling off your face~" He purred, pushing me onto his desk and kissing me. "Make me~" I purred, kissing back. "How about I will later? Wanna come over?" Mr. Smith asked me, pushing his hips closer to mine. "Sorry babe, I got ladies night tonight." I shrugged, smirking still. "And why can't I join? You always have ladies night." Mr. Smith groaned, resting his head on my shoulder. "Well, maybe this time you can join us." I said, seeing him perk up after that made me laugh. "Really?!" He asked, smiling. "Hold on." I said, getting out my phone and calling Sam. 


Hey, sam? How about this ladies night we bring our dates?

Sure, but I though you were single...AMARA WHO IS IT

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