(8) My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Through My Window. Wait, what?

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((Hey, this is Chapter Eight, Obviously. This is just for fun because I didn't want everything to be all seriously all the time. . . . It gets kinda boring but oh well ;D. I want more votes and comment and fans before upload the next chapter! :} ))


The dream began with the sound of humming. I didn't know what song it was to, but I knew who was humming it. Ethan. I think it was just random humming, to nothing in particular. I couldn't see anything. It was all dark. I could only hear. I could hear the wind blowing through the plants all around me. I somehow knew I was in a forest. It smelled nice.

"Open your eyes, Kailynn," Ethan said. I could hear him right next to me.

I opened my eyes and looked around. Uh, duh, of course it was dark just a few seconds ago. My eyes were closed. And I was right. I was standing in the middle of a beautiful forest. I was barefoot and I could feel (as well as see) the wet grass beneath me. It wasn't night, but it wasn't the middle of the day, either. It was probably around 7 PM. It was cloudy and there was no sun visible. Thousands of trees were around me.

Then I turned around and saw that Ethan was standing very close to me. "This is a dream, right?" I asked.

"Yes." He smiled.

"Soo . . . ?" I then realized that I was actually in my body and I was thinking for myself instead of floating above the scene like before in my other dream that Ethan was in. "Is going into others' dreams your gift?"

"Apparently. Since I'm here."

"How do I know if it's not just my imagination making this up?"

"It isn't."

"And that's just what my imagination would've done, too."

"Well, would your imagination would've expected THIS?" Ethan asked with a mischevious smile. I was about to ask when his body started to shimmer. I was getting a little confused when I looked down and then up again and then saw a complete stranger stood in front of me.

"What . . . the heck?" I asked.

"I'm a shape-shifter."

The guy stood in front of me was still about 17 and he had the same color eyes. But this guy, asides from that, looked completely different than Ethan. He had a blond, almost white, buzz cut. He looked . . . preppy, very preppy. He was wearing a yellow Hollister T-shirt with blue and white plaid shorts. He also had flip-flops that completed the look.

"Uh . . . how are you a shape-shifter?" Just when I thought that I could cope with my vampire boyfriend . . . he turns into a shape-shifter also?

"There are only a few in this world. I just left your house a few hours ago, and I met up with Demarkis and I got mad over something that one of his friends told me and my emotions got out of control and I didn't know what was happening, then I turned into this. He told me just a little about . . . this . . . or shape-shifters and then said I should contact you in your dreams and tell you. He wants to meet you, by the way."

"Oh, really? When can we set that up?" I wasn't really that interested in meeting Demarkis, yet another vampire, but I didn't really want to talk about my vampire/shape-shifter boyfriend.

"I don't know. Maybe we could pick you and Austie up after school and you can both meet him and Johnny."

"Who's Johnny?"

"Oh, that's Demarkis's friend. I don't really like him but they're really close and they're barely ever apart. So . . . I have to deal."

"Ah. . . "

My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Through My Window. Wait, what?Where stories live. Discover now