Welcome back, MetalHeads

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After hearing the familiar name, Jak laughs,"Can't be. Mar is supposed to be a man who died long ago."The girl wrap herself with her arms as she sigh,"It's what they called me.I wish I knew why as well."Jak couldn't wrap his head around it as his communicator went off. Torn appear on the hologram,"Jak.We need you down at the command center. Metal heads have appeared in the city!"Mar flinch as she hears the word metal heads. The fact she knew what Metal heads made Jak want to question her more, but without time he answers Torn."We'll be over as soon as we can."

Jak look over to Mar as she could do nothing but shake in fear."Dont worry, you're going to be ok,"he says with a small smile.Mar look up at Jak with tear filled eyes drip down her face but with small nod,"Okay."

Jak head to wake up Dax as the two head over to the command center."Jak!Didnt we defeat all the metal heads?""We should have but seems a lot of things lately aren't as we think they are."

When they arrived, Torn tossed them an upgrade on his blaster."Nice to see you arrived on time, Jak!"Daxter gave him a look,"What about me?" "Talk again and we can always cook you."Daxter scurried as Jak crosses his  arms,"Where are the Metal Heads coming from?" Torn point to a part on the map that was near the Haven forest,"This is where they are.They start attacking the defense systems we have in place. We are going to need you two to turn on those defense sectors." Jak attached the upgrade to the gun with a smile as he and Daxter head to the hovercraft.

As they speed down to Haven Forest, Torn came on to the communicator. "Jak, make sure to hit all three nodes on the system to reboot it.""Got it!"He took out his upgraded blaster as a red dot pop up."That should make it easier to kill those dumb metalheads, "Daxter began to say in cherry voice before screaming with in fear, "Metal heads!"They were blocking the nodes and working guns of their own. Jak had to hover higher to dodge and get a better angle to shoot. "Hold on, Dax!"He shift the hovercraft as he shot of the metal heads dead before hitting the nodes. Daxter kept himself  wrapped on his shoulder as Jak continue the same game plan for the metal heads before he heard a different voice on the communicator.


"Keira!When did you get here?"

"No time!Dad just told me there is a large metal head ahead of you that is stronger the one you already facing,"Keira informs him as he then pulled up on a three headed metal head with a large shield in one hand and a sword in another.

"That's humongous!Jak is small compared to him, "Daxter commented as Jak shoot him a look as he shrugs. The creature swung the sword down swiftly as the duo flew out the way.

"Get em, Jak,"Daxter yells as Jak shoots at the creatures as it uses it shield. The shield deflect the shot as it swung again. That then gave Jak the idea of shooting whenever he swung the heavy sword.As he continues the strategy,  the metalhead had went down with a pop as several metal head shards flock to Jak.Daxter and Jak releases a breathe as they head home for the day after hearing from Torn that system is back up and running.

As they arrived, Keira and Tess were surrounding someone. Daxter jump from Jak's shoulder to be noisy. "What is all the hub bub about?"Tess turn to see her hero as she snuggles him,"Hi, my little orange lighting did you get the big bad metalhead?""You know it baby, "they eskimo kiss as Jak ask the similar question."What's going on?"

"Well,after Mar told us her name, we decide to give her some better clothes than the large bandages she has been wearing. Plus they were turning bloody again and she will need to blend in until we figure out more about her situation,"Keira explains as she let Jak see her.

She adorn a simple blue crop top with a zipped down black jacket and small black miniskirt and leg srapes boots.She look at her outfit with a worried look as she then look up to see Jak."I...am glad you came back safely." "Told you not to worry, "he says with the smile he first show her.

Samus came into the room and got everyone's attention."Now, that we are all here, I want all of you to listen to Mar's story. I think there may be a connection between her and these metal heads showing up again."Everyone turn to look at Mar as she takes a breath and her hands trembles as she remembers everything starting from how she had light echo to began with.

What is the backstory to Mar?How did she get her name? Will I ever stop making cliffhangers? Find out next time.

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