Family - VIII

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*Won't he really go away? He's been outside for almost 1 hour..I know we need to talk but last time it hurted too much and I need to think..I was straight..How did I fall for a guy? And why a guy that obviously doesn't love me back?* MingHao thought. *But he's outside..waiting to talk with me..maybe he - No! What are you thinking?*

"Omg sweetie! What are you doing outside? Are you a friend of MingHao? Why don't you just enter?"

*Oh no! Mom please don't! I'm not ready to talk with him yet!*

"I'm sorry Ma'am but I am waiting for MingHao to come outside. I need to talk with your son and I'll do it when he's ready."

"Ok, I get it. But please come inside, it's freezing here and you don't have a coat."

"I thank the offer but-" Jun was cutted off by MingHao's mom who forced him into the house.

"M-Mom! You're back!" - said MingHao with fake entusiasm.

"I am." His mom touched Jun's cheeks and he became really embarassed by the gesture while MingHao was in shock. "Dear, you're so cold! How long have you been outside? Come with me, I'll treat you something warm."

"Mrs.Xu it's okay. I'll go outside again, thanks but you don't need to worry."

"Look, I'm sorry if I'm scaring you but you are really cold and pale. You look like you didn't eat anything today. Besides, you said you wanted to talk with my child. MingHao is inside, not outside so here you can talk with him."


"Son, how long did you leave him waiting?"


"How long was he outside waiting for you to go talk with him?"

"Mrs.Xu it really wasn't much time..I will wait how long I have to."

"You seem like a good person. What's your name?" MingHao's mom shoot him a gentle smile. In that smile was the warmth of a mother, the warmth that he longed for and missed so much. Because of that Jun started tearing a little.

"Oh! Are you alright?"

"Jun what's the matter?" MingHao was now next to Jun instead of almost hiding himself.

"It's nothing. I just remembered how I missed my mom. Sorry to worry you."

"Oh, is she on a work trip?


"She's dead."

"Omg sweetie! Sorry! I-I didn't know! I'll make it up for you! I'll cook something."

"No, it's okay. She died three years ago."

"Still! Why can't you understand when people are sorry for you? Is your pride that big? You don't understand other people's feelings!" - MingHao said.

Jun was surprised by hearing that. Was it true? Did he do that to him? MingHao was surprised too for the words that came out of his mouth. The most surprised of all was Mrs.Xu, who was with her mouth wide open at what her son said. From what she saw she couldn't tell that her son and this boy had that strong of a connection but for her son to say that he must have experienced it.

"Ming Ha-" before Jun could say anything more MingHao ran to his room and the loud sound of the door closing was enough to make everything more silent. After a few minutes of awkwardness Mrs. Xu spoke up.

"Hum..Jun, right? MingHao had told me about a friend that he liked a lot so I guess that's you. When he talked he would only tell me the last name. Wen."

"That's my last name."

"So you are chinese too! That's good. I was afraid MingHao would have problems because he maybe couldn't settle in. I'm happy that he got a great friend that he told me about and even more happy that that friend is you."

"Thanks Ma'am. Well, I understood that he doesn't want to talk with me so I'm leaving."

"No! Don't leave! You live alone right? You can stay here for today. You can keep me company and help me making some chores."

"Are you sure? MingHao looked upset."

"He gets better. I'll even pay you to help me with some things."

"No, you don't have to pay! I won't be alone in my empty house so I'm happy that I can help."

"Great! You can start helping me with these.."

After a few hours all the chores Mrs.Xu had to do were made by Jun.
Ming Hao decided to sneakly go to the bathroom so that his mom wouldn't notice him and start asking questions. He was surprised when he saw that Jun didn't go away, that he was still there talking to his mom.

"Thanks Jun! You were so kind to help me out with these!"

"It's okay. I'm glad that I was useful. Well, I should go home."

"No! You're staying here."

*No! Jun staying in my house? I won't be able to get out of my room!*

"I'm sorry but I will refuse. MingHao is upset with me at the moment and it would not be good if I stayed."

"Jun, he will be okay with no time, I know my son. I want you to stay so you won't be alone. Since your mother died you have been alone right? Even if it's for today, I want to make you feel like you have a family."

Jun started crying...a lot.

"Dear, what's wrong?"

"Thank you so much.sob sob sob....Since three years ago..sob..since my mom died...everybody would make fun of me.. sob one wanted to be my friend do I stopped trying....sob sob sob..I changed schools, adress, everything...sob.."

"Oh must have been so lonely..."

MingHao's mom hugged Jun. Not a normal hug but a motherly type of hug. Jun cried even more.

"Yeah..sob sob..I have..."

MingHao couldn't stand watching that...he realised he was crying too..That was the thing Jun didn't want to talk about...All he wanted to do was embrace Jun, telling him he is fine now, that he is by Jun's side and everything will be better. But he couldn't do that..Jun didn't like him back.

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