Happy B-Day - X

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MingHao and Jun had decided to watch movies and they ended up sleeping together in the sofa. The next morning MingHao's mom woke up and found them there. She smiled, knowing they were perfect for each other.

"Kids, time to wake up!"

They woke up and saw how they were. Jun was lying on the sofa with MingHao's head on his chest. The two became really embarassed and MingHao quickly excused himself saying that he needed to take a bath.

"Nothing happened!!!" - said Jun to MingHao's mom.

"I know that. I was really cute to see the two of you like that. Yesterday I didn't talk with you. I wanted to say that you can come here anytime and that we will receive you with open arms, You can rely on us. Jun, you're not alone anymore."

"Thank you so much mother."

"Sweetie, come here." And with that Mrs.Xu hugged Jun tightly. "You know what's coming up?"

"Yeah! MingHao's Birthday!!"

A/N : people, let's just pretend okay? He will be 17. (Say the name! Seventeen! Annyeongaseo Seventeen Ipmida!) (Sorry, I had to)

"What do you think of throwing him a brithday party? November 7th is on a saturday so we can do it."

"He would like that! We could invite friends from our class!"

"Yes! Do you think he would like a masquerade party?"

"Idk but he deserves more than just a normal party."

"JunHui we understand each other so well!"

Like that they started making plans for the upcoming party.


"Hey everyone! I made breakfast, come and eat!"

MingHao and Mrs.Xu went to the table almost running.

"Thanks for the food!" - everyone said.

Jun's food was delicious as always. Every dish he did was MingHao's favourite.

"How is it?"


"It's great sweetie, thanks. By the way, MingHao, your birthday is coming, do you want anything?"

"Hum..no. I just want to be with you and Jun."

Jun blushed when he heard that and started smiling like an idiot.

"Are you alright?"



"Mom,we're home!"

"Welcome back. How was school?"

"It was good."

"Great! Jun, can I talk with you for a second? Before you go back home?"

They finished the plans and invited who they knew would get along with MingHao. They wanted to make the Best Birthday Ever.


It was Saturday, November 7th and Jun had just arrived at Xu's residence. He knocked on the door and when he saw the door moving he shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!", act that startled MingHao.

"Oh, it's you Jun. Thanks! Come in."

He entered the house, sneakly gave the party decors to Mrs.Xu and gave MingHao a big hug.

"Happy birthday boyfriend."

He blushed so hard when Jun said that! They were boyfriends but earing him saying it made MingHao think it was all a dream because it was too good to be true.

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