Again? - VII

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"Hum..I guess we should head back."

"Wait, I have something to tell you." - said MingHao.

"Hum..ok..What is it?"

" should I say it? This is really.."

MingHao started blushing..He was really nervous.

"I...My feelings...hum...I kinda.."

"Yes Ming Hao? Say it."

"I..I Li-like You........."


Jun was speechless. He decided to change the atmosphere, hoping not to hurt MingHao.

"Hahahaha you're funny MingHao but don't joke about things like this! Let's go back!"


It was dinner time and everyone was eating..except for the chinese line. They were not hungry.

Jun was thinking about what MingHao told him earlier...Was it true? He liked him? That couldn't be... What did he think of MingHao? They were best friends, nothing more...Jun was really confused..maybe he likes the smaller...maybe, just maybe they could be more than best friends..

*No! Jun don't think about it! He's your friend, how can you think of him that way?*

On the other side MingHao was really sore. He told Jun his feelings and he thought they were a joke. Maybe it seemed like a joke? Maybe he wasn't serious enough? He just knows that it hurts.

Hoshi noticed something wrong with Jun.

"Hey, what's up?"


"Don't lie to me. I can perfectly understand that something's not right."

"It's okay."

"Tell me Jun."

"I..I don't want to."

Ming Hao saw Jun talking with Hoshi.

*He's alright..Of course, he thought I was joking..He has Hoshi, doesn't he? Why does he need me?? But..I can't distance myself anymore..I know I'm selfish but, I can't leave Jun..He may not need me but I really need him.."

"It's okay. But if you want you can tell me anytime." Hoshi said.

"Yeah, thanks."

Hoshi and Jun were talking and laughing at times. MingHao couldn't help it but being jealous. He hated himself right now. How could he be jealous? How could he be so selfish? That's what he was thinking.


MingHao pretended nothing had happened and so did Jun during the last days of the Camping.
Soon they were back at the school, returning to their daily life.

Their friendship was almost the same but Jun thought that MingHao acted weird at times. He spoke with Hoshi about it but he said he hadn't noticed anything and that Jun should be imagining things.

Two weeks had passed since their class camping vacations and exams were about to start.

"Ming Hao wanna study together?" - Jun asked.

", thanks."

"But why? We used to study together."

"I'm busy."

"You're busy or are you starting to avoid me again? I don't want that to happen!! Please don't ignore me MingHao!"

"I-I'm sorry." He said and ran away.

"MingHao!" Jun called out to him.

What's up with him?..He wasn't alright.

*Maybe I did something to him?*


The next day MingHao didn't go to school. When classes ended Jun was intending to search for him and Hoshi asked if he could tag along.

"Yeah, you can."

"Thanks! I'm worried about MingHao too."

They searched for him everywhere during 1h30. They where really worried but MingHao was nowhere to be found.

They got to school and asked for his adress. Since the school knew about their friendship and how he skipped classes they gave it to them.

Hoshi and Jun went to that adress. It was a small but good looking house, and it looked warm and comfortable.

They rang the bell once. No one aswered. They rang it twice. Still no response. They rang it on more time. Finally the front door was being unlocked.

"Mom, don't you have your keys?" - the person that opened the door said. When he realised who was actually at his doorstep his eyes widened.

"MingHao!!!!" - Jun said, happy. He could see that the shorter was okay.

MingHao tried to close the door but Jun was faster. He blocked the door so that it couldn't close.

"Hi. I missed you." - he said.

"What are you doing here? Get out!"

"Sorry, but I can't stand Jun anymore. He was really worried about you." - said Hoshi.

"You're here too? Why?"

"I asked Jun to help him look for you. I knew he would do something crazy if he was alone."

"MingHao why did you skip school?" - Jun asked.

"I didn't feel like going. Question aswered. Can you please go now?"

"I won't go anywhere."

"What? You're crazy Jun. Please let me be alone."

"I will. You can go into your house. But I'll stay here until you are willing to talk. Hoshi you can go home, it's kinda late. Thanks for the help."

Having said that Jun turned around and sat on the floor.

"Ya! Jun! You are mad!"

"I'm not."

"Hoshi do something!"

"Sorry, I can't. As much as I wanted to Jun is stubborn and I know how much he is when it's about you. Good Night."

Hoshi went away. Now there was only MingHao and Jun.

"I told you. I won't go away. You can enter your home and when you are willing to talk we'll talk. I don't want us to be friends and that this happens again latter. We have to talk about everything once and for all."

Ming Hao's heart wavered. He was starting to tear up and he didn't want to look weak in front of Jun again. He turned around and entered his house feeling awful about the taller.

*I hope he talks to me or everything will be in vain*

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