Rebecca and Louis

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It took me ages to come up with an idea for this, so hope you like it bex_the_box :) So sorry about the wait!


Wow, I thought. I sat in silence, trying not to stare as they argued and argued. To be honest, I really wanted to slap the girl in the face; she seemed so bitchy!

"That's good!" A frustrated voice said loudly. "Because I don't even want to look at you. Please do leave." I watched wide-eyed as I girl in a mini skirt stormed out, leaving the boy at the table. This was in the middle of Mcdonald's,  so there was obviously several eyes on the boy who sat in silence looking shocked himself. I knew this boy. Not like he was a close friend, but I knew him because he was famous. What was I doing? I could be getting an autograph! But was that a selfish thing to do to someone who had just broken up with their girlfriend? Was I ruining my chance of marrying Louis Tomlinson? There were no fans around as it was ten o'clock, and they'd gone home after the concert. The concert I'd been to. And now I was sitting by myself in a Mcdonald's: the same room as Louis Tomlinson!

I was Australian, but the fact that it was the Summer holidays meant that I wasn't at school. I wasn't even in my country, for that matter- I was in England! I'd come over for a One Direction concert, and it had just finished.

Edging forward off my seat, I got up. I was going to Louis' table without even thinking. But I'd brought myself to sense as I headed towards him. I passed his table- pretending I was heading to the counter. I'd completely let my nerves take over! Sighing, I knew I had to play along like I really was going to the counter. I ordered my second ice cream and tucked a strand of my long black hair behind my ear as I waited for it to come. Soon, it did, and I took it back to my seat. I didn't even want it.

"Isn't that your third ice cream?" My head shot up, and I realised who the voice was. I looked over in his direction, shaking my head.

"No, this is my second. I don't know why I ordered it,  I'm not even hungry."

"I'll have it!" Louis chirped up.

"Ok." I smiled, walking over and sitting down at his table. I pushed the ice cream towards him and waited as he began to eat it.

"It's no cookie dough dessert," He began through a mouthful. "But it's really good!"

I laughed, nervously adjusting my glasses.

"You know, I can't let you buy me this."

"I didn't!" I replied.

"Yes, but I ate it. What I'm saying is, I owe you one."

"Ok, you owe me one." I confirmed, smiling.

"How about a date?"

My head shot up, faster than before. Had Louis Tomlinson just asked me out on a date? Heart beating 100 times it's normal rate, I answered through stutters.

"Umm, ok. I mean, yes. I'd love to."

"Good! But we can do that tomorrow, what do you want to do now?"

He was acting like he'd known me for a long time.

"I don't mind. Maybe we should leave Mcdonald's first?"

He nodded, finshing off his ice cream.

"But didn't you just break up with your girlfriend? And you're already asking girls out?"

"Not girls." He corrected me. "Girl. I only asked you out."

"Why? You could have asked any of those girls out." I gestured towards a group of girls. "And yet you chose me. Was it just for the ice cream?"

"No." He chuckled in reply. "Of course not. I'd never choose any of those tarts, and you looked more fun."

"Really? Well, I guess we'd better have some fun, then!" I got up and walked towards the door. He followed me, and I was surprised by my confidence around such a famous person.

"What are we gonna do, then?" He asked.

"To be honest, I really don't know." I'd planned many ways of how I'd meet Louis Tomlinson and what we'd do, but this was not any of those.

"Ok, then. Do you wanna come and meet the boys?"

"Are you serious?!" I exclaimed. "Yes!" I wondered if I was going a little fan-girly. I stopped myself, and re- spoke my sentence. " I mean, yes. That would be great." There was a short silence as we began down the road. "You were amazing in concert, by the way."

"You were a great screamer." He replied.

"You heard me?"

"Yep." He said. He was smiling, still looking straight ahead. I sighed. He knew I was a big fan! He'd seen me screaming! Had that put him off me? It seemed not, unless he was a really good actor.

"Here." He took my hand and led me to the left. We walked down an alleyway which led to another main road and after walking a few more minutes- hand in hand- we reached a hotel.

"We're up here." I walked in shock as we went into the hotel and Louis walked over to the receptionist's desk. He talked the woman into letting me come up, and soon we were in the boy's room.

"What happened, Boo Bear? You went out with one girl and came back with another!" Said Harry. Then Niall came in.

"Kerry?" He cocked his head to one side, looking at me.

"No," Louis chuckled. "I broke up with Kerry. Now, I am hoping to date..." He paused, then looked at me. "I am so sorry, I don't even know your name."

"Rebecca." I told him.

He nodded. "As I was saying, I am going on a date with this beautiful young lady- who I know is called Rebecca- tomorrow!"

I was blushing manically. Liam, who'd just entered the room, chuckled at me. Then suddenly, Louis grabbed my hand and led me to a room. It had one double bed in it.

"This is my room." He announced. "But for tonight, we can share it." He pulled me onto the bed and we sat there for ages, chatting. It was the best day of my life.

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