The Day

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Lisbon wake up in the morning. She still can't believe about the thing that happened a month ago. She is officialy become Patrick freakin Jane's wife. Her bestfriend who always annoys her. Now, he's everything to her. He and their child inside her body. She keep starring at him, thinking about how they first met. Suddenly his eyes are open.

"How long you've been here?" Asked Jane with his adorable smile


"Oh come on Lisbon, you've been starring at me the whole time. I told you, i know what happen in the real world even when i'm sleeping. I'm a superhero, remember?"

There he is. One thing never change, he always love to annoys his wife. Because he loves her smile.

"Husshhh... you little fussy. Go to the bathroom, clean your body" Lisbon smiled while Jane keep trying to push around her.

"Oh I will, boss. I will. But first, let me kiss my grumpy little wife and talk to my another little one here"

Jane smiled while put his gentle arm on Lisbon's pregnant tummy. Then he kisses her lips and smiled at her.

"Hello little one, how's there? Be well to your mom, she loves you so much, so do I. Can't wait to hold your little finger..."

Lisbon smiled at him. He always do this everyday since he knows about her pregnancy. Talked to their upcoming child and say how much their parents love him/her.

"Ok sweetheart, your lovely but grumpy mom will be mad at me if i still here to talking to you. Have i ever told you i love it when she mad at me? Her sexy grumpy face? No? Omg i'm sorry..."

"Stop it Jane!" Lisbon laugh at him and he love that very much.

"So Mrs. Jane, would you come with me to the bathro...?"

He stop talking because Lisbon throw a pillow to his face


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