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I don't know why Ally had such a attitude with me like I did some shit to her, it's not my fault she wanted me just as much as I wanted her. Little does Frank know when he left the doorway I got my nut off I ain't trying to have blue balls. Ally always having a episode like calm down. My phone started to vibrate I looked down and noticed it was Zamika I unlocked my phone and checked the message it was a picture of her pussy just siting there in my hands. I ain't gonna lie I miss that pussy, but I love Ally man the shit niggas go through is ridiculous. When Ally was done packing, we left the whole time I was driving I was sexting Zamika a nigga so horny now a days this shit ain't even funny. After Ally said her smart comment I realized it would be best I left her alone, so hell yeah I left her in the car. Zamika asked if I wanted I come over for a little bit, shit hell yeah I can't deny that I'm sorry Ally, but you tripping.

When I got to Zamikas house I realized nobody was home, so what's up?! "Hey K.J" she said I just walked in an sat down. "So what's up" I said as she walked over to me, "I miss you daddy" she gave me her pouty face poking her juicy bottom lip out, I don't know what it was but it happened. I bite her bottom lip and we started making out. We ain't fuck though she just gave me good sloppy toppy. I kind of feel bad now that I think of it I went behind my girls back that was by my side the whole time Zamika wasn't even there, what the fuck have I done it's times like this I need my nigga Romeo. Good weed and deep conversations, rest easy big dog.

I decided to go to the party tonight from Zamikas house I mean shit why would I go home if the party was right up the street from here. This shit live as hell. It may look like I'm caked up with Zamika but she just giving a nigga a dance, I'm smoking loud right now feeling too good until I see Ally come my way. SHIT! When she threw that soda on me she clowned my ass infront of all my niggas and she blew my high. I pushed Zamika off of me which caused her to slip in the pile of soda. I didn't even care I kept walking and started on my way to my house I don't know what Ally would do.

I ran in my room to find Ally with a pile of my clothes and a knife in her hand. "What the fuck are you doing!" she didn't answer, I realized none of my clothes was cut but there was blood running down Ally's arm. "Baby put the knife down you promised you wouldn't cut anymore" I tried to convince her. "Promise?! PROMISE, you broke yours when you had that bitch on you, back away from me" when Ally said that I realized we both made promises and we both couldn't keep it 100. I can't sit here and let her bleed out like this I have to find a way to stop this shit. "What the fuck y'all do when you went to her house, I know you went over there don't fucking lie to me KJ" Ally said fucking up my train of thought. "Man that don't matter right now" "it does ! you broke me you keep breaking me you bring me down to my lowest lows why KJ you remember when I lost our son who's fault was it ! Huh ANSWER ME!" I hate when Ally talks about our miscarriage no one knew but us, and it was Zamikas fault I cheated on Ally with that girl and I guess the stress caused my baby to die inside her, how can I keep doing the same shit. "Zamika, Ally you know I fucking love you put the knife down." She just sat on the floor rocking back and forth I got down on my knees as I crawled to her. "I'm sorry baby" I whispered "give it here please" she handed me the knife and just started crying I've never seen her like this even when she lost our son it wasn't this bad. I grabbed her and pulled her to me I grabbed a shirt from the pile of clothes not caring what name brand it was and I wrapped it around her wrist, we just laid there no talking no noise just silence. Then I realized I really fucked up.

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