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"Yes, princess?"

"As your ruler, I demand you never call me princess again. Friends don't put themselves above friends."

"Yes, princ- I mean, Isabell."

"Thank you," she chokes out. She begins to weep, and seeing as we're now officially friends, I walk over and hug her.

20 years later

"Clementine!" Isabell screams as she runs down the corridor, face streaked with smeared eyeliner.

"What's wrong?" I ask as she runs into me.

"I can't do it! I can't be Queen!"

I smooth her raven hair, and whisper, "Yes, you can. You'll just need a few more hugs, is all. I'll help you, I promise."

"Thank, you. I'm so glad we're... friends."

As another maid enters the hallway, we break apart, and go in opposite directions. This is how it has to be. Most of our conversations are short, like this one, so we always have to be upfront. Although, some of this has changed since I've gotten the job of her head maid.

Sometimes, I wish she wasn't royal. I think she wishes so to.

Author's Note

Hello, my fellow humans. And aliens, if you're reading this. Although, us humans are just aliens from other creatures' perspective... Anyways, I hope you like this chapter, and if not, then you might like the next one. But, maybe not, so... yeah. Well, I hope you've had/ will have a great day! Bye!

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