Chapter Five

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The young maid took measure steps into the bedroom where Kyra sat alone in her new home, getting ready for breakfast.

“Good morning, Ma'am.”

Kyra offered an encouraging smile, knowing fully well what must be going through the young girl's mind; she had a new mistress and had to be careful, or risk upsetting her.

“Hey.” Kyra rose to her feet, her hands sweeping her blue sari in an attempt to wipe off any crease.

“Ma'am Sodhi sent me to help you get ready but it would seem you don't need my help.” The girl spoke, her eyes fixed on the marbled floor of the bedroom.

“You don't have to watch the floors so often,” She assured. “I don't bite.”

The girl's head rose gently, revealing the face of a young girl, between the ages of thirteen and fifteen. She reminded Kyra so much of Poojah, perhaps not in age but in looks. She had Poojah's black hair and oval face. Her eyes shone with hidden mischief, covered by a submissive demeanor.

Kyra smiled. “I didn't think I'd be getting any help, especially now that Poojah isn't here.”

She sighed. She had begged her father terribly but he wouldn't budge on his decision to withhold Poojah. Kyra had thought that marriage to a stranger would be less frightening with Poojah by her side but her father had insisted that the time to separate the two women had come.

“I have been assigned to you, Ma'am.”

“What's your name?” She said, taking two steps toward her.

“Aditi, Ma'am. I'm a maid for the Sodhi family and I'll see to your every need.” She offered a shy smile.

“Well, Aditi, you could start by telling me what you think of my attempt at a braid.” She turned around. “I do think I have somehow managed to get my hair into a sailor's knot.” She heard Aditi's muffled giggle behind her and a smile settled on her own face.

She needed something to smile about and with the way Vihaan had been nothing but terrible to her, leaving the room as soon as the day broke, she needed someone in this house to like her. Vihaan had been much more than clear about his plans to keep a massive distance between them. 

“You did a terrible job, Ma'am.”

She smiled at Aditi's honesty. “Call me Kyra.” She turned around to find a big smile on Aditi's face.

“Oh no, Ma'am, I will be rebuked for daring to refer to you by your first name.”

“Then, it'll be our little secret.” She winked, before making her way to the dresser and settling on it.

She didn't have to say another word before Aditi was hard at work, loosening the mess she had earlier made and pulling her hair into a better looking braid behind.

Once that was done, Kyra made her way down the stairs with Aditi beside her, leading her to her first breakfast with her new family.


Kapoor Sodhi sat in his office, glaring at the wall clock as every second ticked by, fueling his fury. Vihaan was being utterly unreasonable and he knew, if he allowed his son continue in this manner —treating Kyra like she was nothing— his plans would fall apart completely.

Kyra was everything; the heir to a multi million company —the only heir that existed. Vihaan marrying her was everything because his marriage to Kyra made him a joint heir with her.

But did his son understand this fact? Apparently not! Or perhaps Vihaan did understand this but as always, blatantly refused to bend to it. Vihaan's arrogance and craving for independence was beginning to drive Kapoor mad.

The door to his office pushed open, revealing a frowning Vihaan. Kapoor glared at him, offended that his son was lousy enough to wear a simple white T shirt on blue denim to a company such as the Sodhi's Enterprise.

“What on earth is this?” Kapoor swept a hand over Vihaan's choice of clothing.

“What, may I ask, dear father, has got you so worked up, again?” Vihaan asked, sarcasm dripping from his words.

“You would stand there and choose to question me like one who is utterly oblivious to his own madness?!” He made a fist to keep himself from slamming his desk. “First you disrespect the Jindal family...”

Vihaan let out an exasperated puff. “Her again, father?! By our beloved India, I came here to get away from Kyra!”

Kapoor could not say that his son's outburst surprised him one bit. “She's your wife, Vihaan! You couldn't even grant her the courtesy of having breakfast with her”

“If I didn't make this clear in the past, father, allow me;” He watched as Vihaan inched closer, his fist coming to rest on his desk, his face a few inches from Kapoor. “You married Kyra, not me. I do not love her and I never will so please stop expecting...”

Slam! Kapoor hadn't given the slap a second thought.

Vihaan flexed his neck muscles, straightening to his full height, before turning to leave the office.

“Vihaan!” Kapoor yelled, his voice laced with the authority he demanded from everyone around him. Vihaan's back tensed but he stopped in his tracks. “We need Kyra.” He said, his voice softening.

Perhaps if he reasoned with his son, he could get him to obey.

“This company is a sinking boat.”

“How is that of any concern to me?” Vihaan asked, turning around. His right cheek had reddened from the impact of Kapoor's fist.

“Have you forgotten that this is your company as well?”

“You never seem to pass on the opportunity to make this known to me, while bending me to do your will. But you know what, father, my heart cannot be bent. I don't love Kyra...”

“And I'm not asking you to!” He watched with satisfaction as curiosity and confusion clouded his son's countenance. “When Kyra turned nine years old, she was finally diagnosed with Angina, a heart disease that was diagnosed too late. It means she could have a heart attack and die at any moment, leaving you in charge of all she owns...”

“What are you saying?”

“I'm saying, be nice to her, earn her trust. The sooner you do this, the faster your torture will end.”

“You are a sick man...”

“No! I'm your father and I've worked on this plan for too many years.”

“You're saying that you know the exact moment Kyra's going to die?! You made me marry a walking corpse!”

“Bring your voice down a notch, idiot! I don't know the exact moment but I can quicken it. I'll switch her drugs with some fake, look a-likes.” A sinister smile settled on Kapoor's face. “You see, son, we both desire the same thing,” He walked over to Vihaan and settled his hand on his shoulder, “We both cannot wait to get rid of Kyra.”

Copyright ©2016-2017 All rights reserved.



It is the best feeling in the world to finally have a road map for a story. I'm so excited! Here is a new chapter for you guys, please vote and comments are highly appreciated.

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