Chapter Ten

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“No, no, no!” Vihaan muttered as the image of his environment and the memory of last night, bombarded his mind.

He pushed himself off of the less than comfortable bed and reached for his clothes on the dirty brown rug.

With as much speed as he could muster, he had on his clothes in a matter of seconds and was already making his way out of the door, down the dark stairs and out of the front door. Thankfully, he wasn't made to confront the object of his shameful act. Not only had he gotten drunk, but he had spent the night with a prostitute; his father would be so proud!

He clenched his fist. It would be of poor taste to lay his actions at the feet of his father but he couldn't help himself. The man had practically pushed him into the act. He could only imagine what people would think, seeing him make his way out of a brothel.

He reached into his pants pocket and heaved a sigh of relief when he felt his car keys laying comfortably inside. He pulled the door open and drove home.

The image of Kyra, as she stood having a conversation with her maid outside, was the first thing he saw as he drove in through the gates. Kyra's features were relaxed, her black locks was pulled up in a bun and she had on simple blue denim and a black T shirt. However, it wasn't her outfit that took his breath away, it was the smile on her face. She almost seemed to be glowing with the way the sun reflected off of her face. She was relaxed, not burdened by his presence. Oddly enough, the thought alone frustrated him. To think she could be normal instead of acting like a robot, infuriated him.

He brought the car to a halt, Kyra's gaze coming to settle on him. He watched as her smile faded and her eyes took on a guarded look.

Choosing to ignore her, he climbed out and made his way to the bedroom. He had just taken his shirt off when he heard the door slide open. Turning to glare at the intruder, fully expecting it to be his father, he was surprised to find Kyra standing there, looking completely embarrassed.

Confused at first, it took a few seconds for him to realize his chest was being put on full display.

“I... Umm.” Kyra's gaze was planted on the floor.

He didn't think he wanted to deal with her insecurities today so he waited patiently for her to turn around and leave. A few seconds of staring at her bowed head did more than enough to convince him that she wasn't going anywhere just yet.

With a sigh, “Problem, Kyra?” He had next to no patience at the moment. What he needed was a long steamy shower, if only to wash his shameful act off.

“You didn't sleep here last night...” She began, surprising him. His gaze moved to her fingers as they fidgeted. “I was wondering why.”

“If you're going to chastise me, Kyra, at least have the guts to look at me while you're doing it.” The edge in his voice was hard to miss.

He half expected her to cry or turn around and leave. He didn't expect her to lift her gaze up to him.

“I was put in a difficult position, Vihaan.” She said. “I had to lie to your family for you. Maybe I deserve to know...” Her voice trailed off with that last part.

Shocked, to say the least, he stared at the newly confident woman who stood before him. Was he crazy or did Kyra just confront him? A smile settled on his face as he made his way to where she stood by the door. He came to a halt before her, fully expecting her to break under his scrutiny. He didn't have to wait long before her head was bending under the weight of his glare.

“Want to know where I've been huh?” He jerked her head up with a finger, fearful brown eyes coming to rest on him. He watched as tears filled her eyes and she shrunk back. Annoyed, he grabbed her wrist. “What have I done to deserve you, Kyra!!??” He yelled, anger racing through his veins.

Kyra didn't struggle against his hold, she just stood there, fear and tears filling her eyes.

“I just, I just... Damn it Kyra, I want my life back! I want my life without you in it!!!”

Why did he allow himself to be manipulated into such an absurd marriage with a woman he could hardly stand? Why did the innocence in her eyes fill him with so much shame for what he did last night? It wasn't like he chose to marry Kyra, it wasn't like he had a say in any of it. But here she stood, cowering under him, fearful of him, yet refusing to resist him.

“Pull away.” He commanded.

Kyra said nothing, her gaze fixed on anything but him.

“Pull away!!!!” He yelled, jerking her hand forward. “Tell me to stop hurting you, yell, scream!”

Her skin broke out in sweat, her body trembling as she stood before him, saying and doing nothing.

For the first time since his father told him his sinister plan to kill Kyra, he found himself wishing she was dead. Wishing, that somehow, he wouldn't be stuck here, feeling like a monster simply because he was married to a weakling.

He knew, as he stared at her, that he didn't love her. He couldn't love her. If anything, he fought against hating her.

Yet, he couldn't let go of her wrist that was trapped in his claws. He would hang onto her until she breaks under his pressure. Surely, she'd break. Everything had it's breaking point and he was determined to be the one to break Kyra.

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