Chapter Nineteen

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"I love you, kyra."

"I'll protect you with all that i am."

Those words resurrected before her eyes and broke into many tiny pieces that were incapable of being put together again. The deceit underlying those words was strong enough to knock the air out of Kyra's lungs. She pressed her palm to her chest to still her beating heart, afraid she'd collapse from the pain.

"I told him about it," Macy continued. "He tried to pay me off..."

Kyra turned to the woman who sat beside her, her words pulling down Kyra's seemingly perfect world.

Macy held out a paper to her. "A cheque he wrote, as you can clearly see, that's his signature."

Kyra opened her mouth and took a deep swallow of air, her lungs rejecting it. She rose to her shaky feet, gasping for air. The pain in her chest had tripled in intensity and she knew she was about to pass out. Yet, she willed her legs to move knowing she couldn't blank out now, not when she needed to make a decision, not when that decision was turning and fleeing.

How could Vihaan do this to her?! How could he be so cruel as to take her hope and smash it?!

She turned around, willing her legs to move but standing there, at the entrance into the house, was Vihaan. He hadn't noticed her yet, his eyes scanning the environs until it came to settle on her. A smile settled on his face, a smile that weakened her. Kyra knew she was in a dilemma for her heart turned against her, willing her to stay put long enough for him to reach her.

"I've been looking all over for..." His words drifted with the realization of someone else there.

She watched his features as his eyes landed on Macy, her eyes searching his for a sign that Macy was lying, a sign that Vihaan would never cheat on her. Instead, she saw recognition in his eyes and something else in his eyes that cause her tears to pour forth unrestrained; shame.

"Kyra..." He reached forward but she moved aside. "Please."

She shook her head, her heart about ready to burst. She felt the pain spread to her shoulder and her back. Knowing she needed to leave, she made for the door but he grabbed her by her shoulders, holding her captive.

"Please, Vihaan, please..." She breathed, her eyes pleading with him to let go of her, knowing fully well she didn't have it in her to fight.

His hold loosened around her shoulders, to her disappointment. Something in her wanted him to hold on, to tell her everything would turn out okay, to tell her he loved her and he hated himself for betraying her. She wanted him to pull her into his embrace and take her pain away.

Instead, he let go.

Overwhelmed, she knocked her shoes off of her legs and headed to the house, out the front door and into the dark of the night, heartbroken.


Vihaan sensed it. The moment his father led him away from Kyra to introduce him to less-than-important business moguls, he knew something was wrong. So, he excused himself after a few minutes of chit chatting and went in search of Kyra. It was only about thirty minutes later he saw her standing there in the garden, a vision in her lovely outfit. Vihaan couldn't say what it was he did to deserve such an amazing woman as a wife. Kyra was the best decision his parents ever made for him.

Yet, he managed to break her. He knew the moment he saw the prostitute from one night of foolishness, that Kyra had been informed. He also knew the information broke her heart.

He tried, he tried to apologize but even his apology couldn't fix what he had done. He saw when he grabbed her, the fear in her eyes. She stayed put because even in infidelity, she was obliged to obey him. He hated that she thought she couldn't be left alone to grieve his foolish decision so he released his hold on her, letting her slip out of his hands and through the doors.

Vihaan sank to his knees. He did this —he put the hurt and fear in Kyra's eyes. Him! Not her father, not his father, him! He swore to protect her, instead, he hurt her!

A part of him knew he needed to go after her but there was a part that knew he needed to let her grieve the way she wanted. He didn't want to take her freedom away from her, he wanted coming back to be her decision.

It was the toughest decision he ever had to make but he rose to his feet and made his way to his room, hoping with all of him that Kyra would decide to come home.

Copyright © 2017 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.

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