Chapter Sixteen

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Kyra whirled around at the sound of familiar voice that beckoned her. It might seemed impossible but true to her suspicion, Poojah stood before her in the garden that evening, her arms outstretched for a hug.

With a happy yell, Kyra jumped to her feet and half ran to cover the distance that stood between the two women, before throwing her arms around a squealing Poojah.

“Oh, Kyra, you are positively glowing!” Poojah exclaimed, releasing her hold on Kyra while her eyes scanned her.

Kyra released a nervous laugh, her cheeks burning. “I missed you, Poojah!” She beamed.

Poojah's eyes clouded. “I heard about Maa and I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you, Kyra. You see my sister in Mumbai had a baby and I was granted leave to go see her...”

With a hand lifted to halt Poojah's flow of words, Kyra smiled and shook her head. “I'm just happy to see you.” She hugged Poojah again.

“Likewise.” Poojah kissed the side of her face before releasing her. “Your father insisted I bring some of your mother's precious belongings.” Poojah touched the side of Kyra's face in affection. “I have given them to your new maid.”

Kyra tried not to think about her father, the mere mention of his name filling her with unspeakable dread. She was about to brush the topic aside when Poojah's next words surprised her.

“Your father would like to have a word with you inside.”

Kyra frowned. She had nothing to say to her father and she was completely certain that if Poojah knew he was responsible for Mother's death, Poojah would share the same sentiments toward him. But Kyra wouldn't stress Poojah with such information. She knew it would only put Poojah in a difficult, vulnerable situation where her father would easily manipulate Poojah.

Straightening, Kyra managed a small nod, before making her way into the house, leaving Poojah outside waiting.

Her heart took to beating loudly in her chest, her entire body dreading the meeting. She didn't think she could look at the despicable monster who by some stroke of luck had managed to escape prison.

She made her way into the living room to find him seated on a sofa, his eyes fixed on the entrance and his legs cross. He didn't blink an eyelid as she approached.

Heaving a breath, she stood before him, her body nearly trembling with fury. Kyra could think of many things she wanted desperately to do with him. They were things she knew she might never be privileged to do.

“I see you are doing fine.” He began, his eyes running over her.

She said nothing.

“I need you to sign some documents and I'll be on my way. I assume you'd rather spend your evenings with anyone else but me.”

Kyra wanted to say she'd never put her signature on anything that concerned him. She wanted to tell him that hell would freeze over first before she does anything that would be of help to him, but rather than speak, her lips remained glued together, her limbs trembling with rage. Silence was the only thing she knew would keep her from killing him there and then.

“Your mother left her share of the company to you.” He said, ignoring her silence. “I had no idea Anja even had a will but I must give it to her, she's a smart woman.” His gaze perused Kyra again. “While you insist on clinging to silence, I know you are surprised by my announcement so I'll spare you the details and go straight to the point; I married your mother for convenience. Her father was a wealthy man before he died and he left her with a large sum of money —money I invested into my business. Your mother was smart enough to have me sign a contract leaving her with fifty percent claim to the company. Now that she's dead, Kyra, it is only proper that you give me what is mine.”

Kyra's mind worked quickly to process the information, her fists balling as the realization of the meaning of his words filled her with fury. Did he honestly think she'd disrespect her mother by signing the company over to him?! She bit down on her lower lip to keep from yelling. She didn't have anything to say to this monster.

With one final glare, she turned around and made for the door.

“I knew you'd say no.” The tone of his voice caused goose pimples to break out on her skin but she kept walking. “Which is why when the police gets an anonymous tip on the fact that Anja's death wasn't an accident, you, Kyra, might not be too happy with the news.”

His words halted her the moment she reached the door. Kyra didn't need further explanation, she knew very well what his plan was; he was going to blame her for her mother's death.


“Surely, this is a sick joke!” Vihaan gawked at the woman who sat cross legged across from him.

“I really wish it...”

“Stop it!” He yelled, slamming an angry fist on the table. “Stop it right this moment or I swear I'll make you regret it.”

“Is that a threat, Vihaan?” Her eyes dared him, rendering him speechless.

How was it that just when his life was beginning to take shape, a ghost from his past, threatened to resurrect to haunt his perfect dream? It all seemed so impossible, too impossible to even comprehend. Yet, one name kept popping into his head; Kapoor.

“How much?” He lifted his gaze to her.

She leaned forward, her elbows coming to rest on his desk. “I have no idea what you mean.”

But Vihaan knew very well that she did, he could see it in her conniving eyes. He also knew that she was an opportunist and could easily be paid off. So, he made an offer of his own. “Double the price”

Her eyes lighted up with those words, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. “Alright, Vihaan, you have yourself a deal.”


Kyra's universe stopped. Time stopped. Life stopped. Her heartbeat stopped, and the only person that existed in that very moment, was the greedy, brown eyed monster that sat across the room from her. She didn't stop to think about her action and before she knew what was happening, she was charging at him. He had crossed the line! Kyra had been quiet for too long —way too long and now, the monster thought he could cross the line and go free. Well, he was wrong! Fury blinded her as she swung angry blows at him, her fists clawed as she pulled at his skin, drawing blood.

He tried shoving her off of him but she wasn't budging. She'd kill him. By her mother's ashes, she'd kill him if it kills her!

She felt a solid punch land on her jaw, her neck turning to the side in response to it. Pain vibrated through her neck muscles as her teeth clenched together to ease the pain. Still, she clung to him, her entire body seated atop him, her arms clinging to his neck collar.

He grabbed her wrist and shoved her off of him, her body landing on the floor in a painful thud.


She shut her eyes against the explosion of physical and emotional pain.


She heard the commotion around her but was too busy sobbing to pay attention. Clinging to her knees, she buried her head between her knees and gave in to her tears —what had she done to deserve any of this? First he killed her mother, now he wants what is rightfully Anja's?! Kyra knew her father would have to kill her first before she'd let him lay a hand on anything belonging to Anja; it was a price she was willing to pay.

Copyright © 2016- 2017 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.



This has been a long time coming. Please bear with me and school. Thank you so much for waiting☺. If you loved this chapter, show a girl some love by voting.

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