Chapter 15 (Extra)

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Hanging Out with Naniwa's Speedman

'I can't believe.'

'I don't want to believe this.'


'Why in the world am I on a date with Naruko?!'

"Ah. You're earlier than I expected." Naruko giving his usual smirk as he stopped leaning against the bench, right beside the said bench was none other than his red road racer, "Let's head over there at top speed!"

"Y-Yes." Holding on to Naruko's back I felt the wind rise around us, "Woah!"

"Hold on tight! Chiaki!" Naruko alerted to me.

Though how in the world did I get in this situation?

Let's see. What happened a few days before...

One day ago...

"Amusement Park?" I blinked in wonderment, "This Saturday?"

"Yeah. You see Onoda-kun said he was busy that day, so why not ask you?"

'Saka-nii...don't tell only said that you were busy because you're going to watch anime?!'

Saturday happened to be the day a new anime would air, so Sakamichi always left that day open completely to anime.

"So Chiaki, is that okay with you?"

"It's alright, but...why me and not Imai-" Naruko returned a disgusted face upon hearing Imaizumi's name.

"No. Never in a million years."

I wanted laugh, but Naruko would probably be mad at me for laughing at his and Imaizumi's rivalry,"I see. Then I'll meet you at nine o'clock at the park for tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Nine o'clock it is!" Naruko agreed.

Though it was not until I met Miki at the hallway on what I just agreed to.

"Doesn't that mean you're going on a date with Naruko-kun?" I halted in shock upon hearing Miki's words.

"No. It's not like that. We're just hanging out." I point out while trying to wave off the misunderstanding Miki made, "Besides it was supposed to be Saka-nii going with him in the first place."

"But, Naruko-kun singled you out."

'Gulp.' I choked a bit on my end. 'She's right about that.'

"In fact he chose you over Imaizumi-kun." Miki, please don't say it like that especially when narrow your eyes in a suspicious way. "Is it possible that...Naruko-kun likes you more than just a friend?"

That question made me lose my train of thought, "...What?"

As arrows of realization stabbed me.

"Like I said. You and Naruko-kun know each other longer than Onoda-kun, you guys are in the same class." Stab!

"Even before he joined the Bicycle Racing Club, Naruko-kun would often go to you." Stab!

"Plus, you're kind of the only girl who seems close to him." STAB!

The pain of realization hurts.

"Miki-san...what am I going to do?" I asked worried of this unpredictable outcome to her, "I thought we were going to just hang out not this...!"

Miki nodded her head in understand, "Well I can't do anything to stop this, so be ready if he says anything related to love."


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