If I Die You Die

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Hey guys i made this chapter longer than usual so i hope you like it and I did this a little different

Twin Henry's Pov

I woke up in a cell.
How did I not full Ray?
I failed my mission.
The one thing I promised myself I wouldn't do.
I tried to get up, but there were odd looking glowing handcuffs on me.
I knew that Ray on the other Earth was gonna be pissed when or if he finds out that I've failed.
I try getting up once, but I got sucked right back down.

Twin Henry's Past

"Ray what's going on with me!"
I felt this great pain in my head.
I fell to the ground. The mancave started spinning and everything started to get blurry.
"When you changed into me and gave Henry that injection I also gave you one. So your connected to him now"
"Ray I felt like I've been shot!"
My vision was blurry and I was starting to black out.
"I think they shot the other Henry with a fear gun. This is a good thing"
"How is this good Ray!"
"You'll know his fears"
There was barley any light now.
"Why do you want me to kill my other me from another Earth?"
Before he could say anything I blacked out going to my "twin's" mind and finding out his greatest fears.

I woke up from my "twin's" dream and I found myself with tears in my eyes. We were not so different.
"Henry why in the world do you got tears in your eyes!"
I sat up to see Ray starting right at me.
"I don't know"
"It's just..."
"Why do you want me to kill him?"
"Why do you care?"
"Because he's me Ray! Why would I want to kill me!"
Ray turned away.
"What did you see what where his fears?"
I groaned and grabbed the nearest thing to me and threw it as hard as I could.
"I'm not gonna tell you until you tell me why"
"Henry I...I can't"
"Do you know what the biggest mistake of my life was?"
"Agreeing to be your sidekick!"
I got up and walked away.

Twin Henry's Pov

I sat there in the dark the only light source was from the hand cuffs. I heard the cell door open.
It was my "twin"
"What are you doing here?" I said.
"I could ask you the same thing now start talking"
"Maybe I'll do some talking if you uncuff me"
"I'm not dumb"
"And I'm not either so it's either handcuffs off or no talking"
He looked at me deciding whether or not if he should uncuff me.
He then pulled out a key and unlocked the handcuffs.
I was about to jump at him and switch places, but something held me back.
"Ok so talk now why I are you here?"
I might as well talk.
"You know I really don't know why don't you ask Ray he should know everything" I smirked but that immediately went away when he punched me in the face.
"Ow!" We both said in unison.
We both touched our faces.
"How did you do that is that another one of your powers!"
"No but..."
I pinched my.
"Dangit! Jeez"
I remember Ray saying how we where connected...
"Look! When I injected you with that suicide stuff Ray injected me also in case you lived. He said we were connected. So that's why I know everything about you"
"So that means..."
"If you die I die and if I die you die"
He starred at me. It's kinda creepy it's like me starting at me, but there are no mirrors.
"Yeah so I think that's a problem for you huh?" I said.
"You think?"

Henry Danger SuicideWhere stories live. Discover now