Get Out

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Henry's Pov
I couldn't run anymore. My legs are killing me.
I give up.
I sat down in the dark no longer afraid of the dark.
"How did I get here anyways?"
I told myself out loud.
All I remember is shooting the...
I may not have killed myself.
Why did I want to kill myself?
I put that thought inside and tried to figure everything out.
Then it hit me like a lightbulb.
I'm dreaming.
This isn't real.
I see the black figure standing over me, but this time I'm not afraid.
"Your not real!"
I tell the figure.

Ray's Pov
"Ray I'd heart rate has gone down a lot"
"Do you think he figured out he's dreaming?"
"I believe so"
"So now he's just stuck in there?''
"No he's about to face his second fear, but we can see what's going on now thanks to my inventions."
"But how do we get him out!?"
"Ray I believe the only way he can get out is that he has to concure all his fears"
"And if he doesn't?"
"He will die"
I was scared now that I was about to lose my best friend.
I looked at the screen.
"Don't be scared" I told Henry.

Henry's Pov
It was quiet. The figure disappeared.
I could see light.
I ran to it.
"What the..."
The whole area lit up.
I was in a room.
It was all white.
There was a table and two chairs in the middle of the room.
And in one of the chairs was Jasper.
"Sit Henry"
"Your not real"
I sat down in the chair.
"Your not real" I said again.
"Maybe but you are"
"What do you want"
"Nothing, but I'm going to leave''
"For how long?"
"Because Henry your afraid of being alone your afraid of being forgotten"
"Why are you doing this"
"I'm not doing this to you Henry you did this to yourself"
Jasper left the room as I sat there watching him. I heard him lock the door. It was silence.
But I swear that in that silence in the distance I could hear Ray telling me.
"Don't be scared"
And that's exactly what I intend to do.

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