Danger Part One

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Henry's Pov

I waited for Ray on the couch so I could talk to him.
My phone started buzzing.
It was Piper.
I ignored it and turned my phone off. I heard footsteps coming.
No one answered.
"Ray this isn't funny!"
All the lights turned off and now I couldn't see anything.
I hear Ray off in the distance.
"I'm on the couch!"
I hear crashing. I burst out laughing.
"Why are you laughing?"
"You just crashed into something!"
"I...I thought that was you"
I heard something behind me.
I grabbed from behind my mouth was covered.
I kicked whoever grabbed me but did not seem effected by it.
I was dragged to the elevator.
I kicked and shoved but nothing seemed to work.
The lights then came back on.
Whoever had me let me go.
"Who was that!"
"I don't know"
"That was Ray"
I turned around to see my "twin".
"Well not you Ray my Ray..."
"Well did he think I was you"
"No he's not here for me he's here to finished what I couldn't to kill you Henry"
"How did you get out!" Ray said, "and how did he get in"
"Well you can ask Henry that and I don't know"
"Yeah I let him out" I said.
"We'll talk later"
My phone buzzed again, but this time it was an unknown number.
I answered it.
"Meet me at your house right now and if you don't your family will die! And if you tell anyone I will know. Now say ok mom I'll see you in a little bit."
"Ok mom I'll see you in a little bit"
I looked at Ray looking as normal as I could.
"I'll be back my mom is actually worried about me"
"Ok Henry"
Ray turned away.
I looked at my "twin".
He knows what I'm about to do.
Don't do this.
I hear him say in my head. I'm not surprised he can speak to me in my head.
Please don't tell Ray.
Your Ray will kill my family. When I'm gone tell Ray that I love him and he's more than just my best friend besides Jasper and Charlotte. He's the father I've never had.
My "twin" nodded. He understands.
Goodbye Henry
Goodbye Henry
My "twin" smirked and looked away.
I yelled up the tube. And this time I know it will be my last time that I'll ever say it.

Henry Danger Suicideحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن