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Tarrant and I stand before the white queen with the rest of her subjects. Where did these people come from, because I did not see any of them the whole time I was in the castle? Standing next to Tarrant and myself are: Tweedledum along with Tweedledee, Mallymkun, Nivens McTwisp, the March Hare, the Bandersnatch, Cheshire, but I don't see Absolem anywhere. Alice is standing next to Mirana, while she is sitting on her white horse. I smile at the two, and Alice smiles back, while the white queen starts to address her subjects. My Mad Hatter snakes his hand around my waist and pulls me closer to him, which makes my smile widen even more. A feel holes being burned into the side of my head, and I glance to my side seeing Mallymkun glaring at me. Oh! Now, I get why the dormouse doesn't like me. She has a crush on the Hatter, but instead of feeling happy or anything like that, I feel bad for her, because I can tell that the Hatter only thinks of her as a friend. Giving her a sad smile, I turn back to the queen as I realize that she is asking for a champion to slay the Jabberwocky. Tarrant looks at me, and I know he wants to help the queen. So, with a heavy heart, I give him a slight nod and he stands forward saying he will be her champion. Next thing I know, the twins, the dormouse, and Cheshire also say that they can be her champion.

"Nivens," the queen says cheerfully, and the white rabbit goes up in front of everyone. Unrolling the calendar scroll, which Alice and I saw when we first arrived, the end of the calendar scroll ends right at our feet. Surprisingly, the last tidbit that the calendar shows everyone is Frabjous Day, which is the day that Alice is supposedly slaying the Jabberwocky. Everyone looks at the scroll to see if it has changed, but it still shows Alice slaying the Jabberwocky and no one else. Feeling sad for my sister, but happy that Tarrant isn't going to slay the monster, I look over at her with my sad gold eyes.

"Alice, I am so sorry, but you are the one that has to slay the monster," I say sorrowfully to her, and I see fear flicker through her facial features. She starts to back up and looks at all of us like we are crazy. Carefully so I don't scare her more, I walk towards her with my arms out and away from my body. She continues to back up from us all, and I decide to comfort her in a way. Saying in a sweet tone, "It will be all right, sister, you will have all of us by your side. I will be beside you during this entire battle, but you must kill it yourself."

She turns around and runs away, while I feel both sad and hurt that I couldn't help her calm down. Looking to my left, I notice that the queen herself also looks quite sad that Alice ran away. A pair of arms wrap around my waist, and he leans close to my ear. Whispering soothing words, the Hatter presses my body closer to him in a comforting way. Relaxing immediately, I lean my head back against his shoulder, and I continue to stare in the direction that my sister ran in. The happy demeanor that everyone had before is now completely gone and is replace with fear. While the queen tries to soothe her people, I walk out of his grasp and walk away from everyone.

Sitting on my bed in the guestroom, I put my head in my hands and think about that look that my sister had before she ran away. She looked so scared, and I couldn't make her feel calm or at least reassured. What kind of sister am I if I can't even help my baby sister? Ever since I met the Hatter, I have stopped worrying about my sister and that makes me feel bad. Even though I feel guilty that I didn't worry about my sister as much as I should have, I would not change anything that I did, because I fell in love with the Hatter. Oh, this use to be easier before we fell down the rabbit hole.

A soft knock at the guest room door is in the background of all my thoughts, but I don't really acknowledge the knock. I continue to spiral down into my depressing and crazy thoughts, but they always revolve around the Hatter, Alice, and Underland. I pull my feet up onto the bed, and I start to rock back 'n forth violently. Why didn't I remember my sister, while I was at the red queen's castle? When did I stop being the good older sister, and not worry about her? Why couldn't I help her with this Jabberwocky situation?

Alice's Sister's Adventure In UnderlandNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ