Mad Hatter's Point Of View(again)

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I watch as AnaBeth sleeps peacefully, and I stop what I am doing. Without even realizing it, my heart starts beating faster the longer I stare at her. Being as gentle as when I make my beautiful hats, my index finger starts to stroke her beautiful midnight blue hair. Her hair is as soft as the most expensive fabric in this entire castle. This woman that I haven't known for that long is going to be the death of me, because I should be making hats for Bloody Big Head, yet here I am stroking this woman's hair. Sighing, I pull my hand away from her and turn my full attention to the hat that requires my full thinking process.

After an hour, I have assembled close to twenty hats that vary from red to black to white. Wiping my forehead with my white sleeves, I take a glimpse at the angel sleeping next to my work station. Worry starts to sneak into my crazed filled brain for only one reason. AnaBeth has not stirred nor even moved for this entire hour. Before I can check on her, I hear loud metallic footsteps heading towards this room and panic fills my body. Quickly, I take a sheet of blood red fabric and drape it over the small figure of AnaBeth. Please, stay asleep until I get back, because I cannot lose you too, my crazy angel.

The wooden door slams open and a couple of card soldiers enter my workroom. One of the soldiers takes the medium size pile of hats, while the other soldier gets rid of the ankle cuff. This is going to be hilarious, because none of these hats will cover the queen's whole entire head. Only these wonderful hats will cover a part of her head. Finally, after a couple of minutes I am taken out of the room with a slam of the door behind us.

The Red Queen has tried hat after hat, and so far, she doesn't like any of my creations. How can anyone not like the hats that I make? While I start to put another hat on her globous head, one of her follower's nose falls off her face and onto the floor next to the queen's dress. Hahahaha, it seems that some of these people have not been completely honest. Unfortunately, I don't want a beheading on my hands so I must inform her of her nose problem without letting the queen know what has happened.

"There seems to be quite a smell in here," I add in a whisper, so only she can hear, "You seem to have dropped something." Thankfully, she seems to have gotten the hint and quickly puts the nose back on with one hand. Looking around at the other followers, I notice that another person, a man this time, has stitched a huge stomach underneath his clothes. This is hilarious for me considering that the queen has people lying right underneath her nose.

While I continue to laugh and the queen tells her followers that I am mad, another one of the queen's followers enters and whispers something in the big head's ear.

"OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!!" she screams, which scared me into jumping a couple of inches. The soldiers take me back into the hat room, and puts the ankle cuff back onto me before leaving. Quickly, I hurry over to the table and throw away the fabric to see my sleeping angel.

"AnaBeth, AnaBeth," I start to shake her awake, "Wake up, please. Wake up."

Slowly, she starts to open those beautiful gold eyes and my heart feels like it has melted. There is no doubt within this crazy mind of mine that I am utterly in love with this woman. Finally, I figure out what all those emotions inside of me are. Turning my attention back to the sleeping beauty in front of me, a soft smile graces my face and my heart starts to beat faster.

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