Chapter 4: Mad Hatter's Point of View

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It is like any other day full of tea and cake. The March Hare is crazy as usual which is very amusing when there isn't any other amusement. We are talking about many things that people outside of our little group, which consists of myself, March Hare, and Mallymkun, would think is crazy, but that is what we do best. Right as we finish some more tea, I decide that it would be best if we have a little nap before our next tea party and he agreed. Huh, I wonder where Mallymkun went? She is usually here with us when we have a tea party. I cross my arms over my chest and fall asleep in my arm chair, at the head of the long table.

The stirring noise of the March Hare and Mallymkun shakes me awake from my sleep. When did Mally come back and fall asleep in a tea pot? Looking over at what she is seeing, I notice two human girls and Cheshire coming towards us. Cheshire is a cowardly cat that didn't help in the last battle a long time ago. Thinking about that is bring my insanity back at full force, which is not good for my friends all around me. Turning my attention back at the two girls, I instantly recognize Alice from the times of seeing her as a child. She came back for us, her friends in Underland.

Smiling childishly, I stand up and walk over the table to Alice. Kneeling in front of her, I exclaim that it is her, but I hear from behind me that it is the wrong Alice, and that the rabbit brought a stupid girl too. Oh, Mally must be talking about the girl next to Alice. Unfortunately, before I can do anything to ease the situation, the girl and Mally start to argue with each other. Laughing a bit, I watch this unfold until the girl lunges at Mally.

Looking at this girl closer, I notice two things that I never thought I would think about. The first thing that I notice is that this girl is very pretty, even prettier than the White Queen herself. Finally, the other thing that I notice is that this girl has the same insanity level that I have. Even the March Hare doesn't have the same insanity level that I do, but this girl does. A weird butterfly feeling attacks my stomach as I keep staring at her. Snapping out of my thoughts, I realize that her craziness is getting worse and that someone needs to snap her out of it.

A sudden wanting to make sure she doesn't hurt herself, I gently pick her up by the back of the indigo dress. Her beautiful liquid gold colored eyes have that deep insanity that anyone can see in mine when I lose it. The girl quickly calms down when she notices me, and her face starts to blush causing me to chuckle quietly at her.

"Hello, my name is AnaBeth Aileen," she says in a cheerful voice that surprisingly sooths my entire being. Smiling at her, I lose myself in my train of thoughts that are filled with AnaBeth, while she talks to Alice. Before I think to further into this situation, I set her on the table, while I grab Alice's hand and start my way across the table again. Looking back at AnaBeth, I notice that she hasn't moved from where I left her and she is now on her knees. Quickly letting go of Alice's hand, I walk over to AnaBeth and gingerly pick her up.

"Thank you," her soft voice makes my heart start to soar, and I in the same level of softness reply with a soft welcome. Setting her next to her sister, I start to talk to Alice, while I place some books on top of a chair on the right side of my arm chair.

"You are late, naughty," I say, while I pat the books and both girls jump on it. During our conversation, I glance over at AnaBeth and notice that she is rocking back n' forth as she covers her ears. Poor girl, she seems to not be used to being crazy. Why does my body feel this way? I barely know this woman and yet I'm concerned about her like I've known her for my entire life. Underneath the concern, there is a powerful emotion that I never experienced before and I cannot figure out if I like this feeling or not. There are butterflies fluttering in my stomach and my heart starts skipping beats every time I look at her.

Without even thinking about, I calmly pick her up in my hand. Sadly, this time my touch doesn't sooth her and I ask Alice if she is alright.

"Honestly, I don't know. She has been ill ever since we came here, and she has been becoming mad," she replies to my question. I can see with my own eyes that she is mad, but it is unusual for someone to just start becoming mad. The person is usually born mad, and not turn mad. Looking back down at the woman that has stolen my heart, I hear a trumpet blaring in the forest. Oh, no! That would be Bloody Big Head's card soldiers, and they are probably looking for Alice.

Quickly, I give a potion to Alice to make her shrink even further in size. Shoving her into a teapot, I lay it in my lap and gently place AnaBeth in my pocket.

After acting my usual crazy self, the queen's soldiers finally leave my tea party. Taking the tea pot out of my lap, I open the lid to only close it again, but this time very quickly. Without looking, I grab some fabric from her now too big dress, and use my hat making abilities to make her a perfect size dress. Handing the dress to her, I wait until she knocks on the lid to signal that I can take her out of the pot.

"I like it," I say gleefully when I see her in her new dress. She looks around the table before looking back at me.

"Where is AnaBeth?" she asks me, and I almost smack my hand against my head. How could I temporarily forget about her, when I like her this much? Softly, I lift her out of my pocket and laid her down on the table. I notice that her eyes are open, but she seems to not be able to move her body. Alice lightly slaps AnaBeth's face until she can feel her body again. My heart shatters at the poor site she is in, but I push that feeling away when she finally stands up.

I set down my top hat down onto the table, after I explain who the men were. Alice gets on the brim of the hat, but I put AnaBeth in my breast pocket. When we walk a little further into the woods past my house, my insanity level starts to rise again, but this time it is safe to be more crazy then I usually am. The dark forest reminds me of what happened into the past, and I start telling the poem about the Jabberwocky. Alice seems to notice my poem, and lands on my shoulder while I continue to walk.

"The poem is about you, you know," I tell her, while my voice takes on a Scottish accent.

"What do you mean?"

"It is about you slaying the Jabberwocky," I reply with all hints of cheeriness gone from my voice.

"I'm not slaying anything, so get that out of your head," she says bitterly, and I stop while my brain goes blank. What does she mean, she isn't going to slay the Jabberwocky? My anger starts rising, and I set her down on a tree stump. While I start to walk away, I hear her calling behind me, and I feel movement in my pocket telling me that AnaBeth is there. I can't leave her sister her, or she might hate me. With a sigh, I turn back around and say, "You don't slay."

"You are missing something. Something in here," I kneel in front of her, and I poke a finger at her belly. Before we can talk further, I hear something in the distance that isn't just a normal forest sound, "Do you hear something?" I listen further, and I recognize the distinct sound of the hound from earlier.

Grabbing Alice from the stump, I start running, but I can hear the dog chasing me.

"Hatter, you can put Alice in here!" I hear a small soft voice calling me. Mentally thanking her, I practically throw Alice into the pocket while I keep running. The dead forest trees turn into flourishing green trees, but I continue to run until I reach a deep river. Making a hasty decision, I take Alice out of my pocket, but I leave AnaBeth in there, and I throw my hat, which has Alice on it, across the river onto the other river bank.

"Down with Bloody Big Head!" I yell at the card soldiers that start to surround AnaBeth and myself. Quietly telling AnaBeth I'm sorry, she reassures me that it is alright. Oh! Her soft voice makes all my worries melt away and I hide a smile of pure bliss. What is this woman doing to me?

 What is this woman doing to me?

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