Mystery Since Birth

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We arrive at the white castle within a couple of hours, and by now my tears have dried up from the wind. The smell of sweet flowers, mostly roses overpower my sense of smell. Everything at the white castle is as what you expect from the title. From the pathway to the flowers and trees to the castle itself is completely pure white, so pure white that snow would either blend in with the surrounding area or feel disgraceful for not being even the same shade as this place. The only different color in this entire court is the bright green grass and hedges. The sky is clear and bright unlike the red castle where everything was a desert with goldish eerie skies.

The Bandersnatch starts to slow down to a trot instead of the running it was originally doing. When we get inside the castle, I am going to fill my empty belly with food. I mean, I'm going to wait an hour or two, because I still feel like I am going to vomit, but I still want food. Glancing up, because I spend the time with my eyes close and down, I notice a beautiful woman in front of the castle. I'm going to assume she is the white queen, because she is wearing an elegant white crown on her head.

Underneath her crown is waist length pure white hair, and pale skin. Her skin looks like it is made from like snow or something, because her skin is super pale. She has soft purple eye shadow around her warm, friendly gray eyes. Along with the eyeshadow, she has dark purple lipstick that surprisingly works with her look. Unsurprisingly, she has on a pure white ballgown with gray snowflakes. The queen is moving her hands in delicate patterns and waves, while she waits for us to approach her.

The Bandersnatch stops a few feet away from the queen, and Alice, along with myself, get off from its back. It is like a huge dog mutant, because it is acting just like a dog. Anyway, I look back at the queen and guess what happens. The throbbing in my head comes back, but this time it brings me some information about this queen. Her name is Mirana Marmoreal, and she is ten years younger than her sister, the red queen. This castle is called Marmoreal as well, and she doesn't hurt or kill any living creature. I'm thankful that Alice is still caring me, because I don't think I will be able to walk at all.

"Your Majesty," Alice says and bows while holding out the sword for her to take. I muster up a small bow of the head, but it is kind of hard to do when you are in someone's hand. Looking back up at Mirana, I notice that she looks ecstatic about having the Vorpal Sword in her hands again.

We follow her to the throne room, where a sudden realization occurred to me. I haven't really seen anyone yet in this castle, besides the queen and the white rabbit, who is currently doing an errand for the queen. Mirana places the Vorpal Sword with the rest of the armor that is by the throne. Personally, I like the look that the suit of armor has, because it is simple yet elegant. Unfortunately, my train of thought turns down a darker path with Tarrant not being here.

Before my thoughts can get even darker, I notice that we are moving into a different room. As we are walking down some hallways, the white queen asks me for my name and I tell her. She seems interested with the fact that I am here in Underland with Alice, and not just Alice by herself. Wow, it really must have been an accident for me to fall down the rabbit hole with Alice, because Mirana is the second person to be surprise that I am here also.

Right as Mirana enters the open doorway to what I presume to be the kitchen, a green substance is flying towards the queen, but she ducks down before it hits her. To my surprise is how calming she is and just keeps moving into the room. Glancing into the kitchen, I realize that the creature that threw the green substance is none other than the March Hare. Well, there goes my happy demeanor and here come the tears.

Alice drags her finger through the green substance that is on the white door, and tries it to only tell the Hare that it needs more salt. Being just as crazy as my Hatter, the Hare takes the salt shaker and throws it at the door. By then Alice and I have already move away from the door, and walk over to a table with a lot of scientific equipment. Finally, my sister sets me down onto the table, but I am not stupid enough to mess with any of the equipment.

Alice's Sister's Adventure In UnderlandWhere stories live. Discover now