Chapter 2 - Plans

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The idea for my revenge just popped into my mind when I was standing next to my car in such anguish. As I continued to suffer and fight my wolf over this fool. Oh how I wish I could be over him, I kept stupidly trying to convince myself that I was- and then he shows up and now I'm damned.

We were going to talk about every skank he fucked, I wanted to know what he did with each of them. Every single thing, and I was going to punish him with my own feelings, letting him feel my torment and grief for the loss of what was so precious to me.

And then I was going to walk away, leaving him with THOSE agonizing memories. And then maybe I could get some peace. Hopefully.

I ended my day with a bath, and didn't sleep well. I woke with bags under my eyes which I didn't bother to hide. I got ready like the robot I felt like, but my wolf was going nuts inside, she was getting to see her mate. Her precious mate, and my one-time love.


I arrived at the little restaurant that was down the road from my apartment, which was close to the office that I worked at. I managed a few contracts for a large engineering firm, I liked my job but I wasn't in love with it. But I worked hard and long hours, which filled up my days and some of my lonely nights.

Kyran was already sitting in a booth and was looking at me through the windows, suddenly making me stop breathing. Hiding his impact on me I entered and nodded to the waitress hovering by the entrance and walked toward Kyran's booth. I sat down and looked at him. He had shaved and I smelled his wonderful cologne which mixed with his natural scent. Which always turned me on for pete's sake.

My wolf 'yipped' in my head and I internally growled at her, which she happily ignored.

"You look beautiful this morning, Ellis." I just looked at him without responding, I wasn't in the mood for compliments.

"Did you bring your list?" is all I finally asked him as he started sipping his coffee. He paused with his cup halfway down, then put the cup on the table and sat back watching me with a familiar intensity. I contained my shivers that ran down the back of my neck and spine, I hoped he didn't see that.

"I don't see why you need this list," he finally said as I watched him. No, I don't suppose he saw any reason for this. I just stared at him as the waitress walked up.

"What'll you be having this morning?" she said as she looked at both of us.

Without looking at her I replied, "Denver omelet please," and she wrote it down.

"I'll have the meat skillet," Kyran said and handed her the menu, she let her gaze linger just a moment too long on his handsome face and I noticed Kyran ignored her. Turning on her heels she left to go place our order.

I just sat there staring at him with what I hoped was a steely look on my face. Sighing, he reached into his coat and put a few folded sheets down on the table.

Again the pain flared, but I made myself reach out and take the 'list of shame', opening the papers gingerly with my shaking hands that I was trying to hide.

"Ellis-" my mate started to say.

"Shut up!" I growled at him, surprise on his face. "If you want some sort of closure then you will tell me exactly what you did with each of these females." I let down my emotional barriers to him just a little so he could feel some of the swirling and devastating emotions inside of me.

I felt his recoil from that and it was delicious, delightful, and delovely. And I let him feel that also.

Kyran sat back and blinked at me, he had no idea the type of person I'd become. Because of him. And because I was trying to salvage some part of my shredded heart that refused to stop beating.

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