56. At the Call of His Name

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continuation of 55. The Day of Life and Death

Easily- Bruno Major

=1:35pm, 16th July 2016=


[Her voice shakes as she cries out to Silas. Immediately, he sits up, awaiting her to say more.]


[But all he hears are her stifled sobs; constricted with so much effort so he wouldn't realise she was crying.]

"Finally, I thought-"

"I... I had a child."

[An instant devastation overwhelmed Silas; one that screwed him up inside and riled the beast in him to kill the man that had hurt her.]


"He died not minutes later. I..."


"I don't need you to say anything. I-I just need to know if you're... if you're okay with it."

"Who's the father?"

"Silas please just-"

"Who is it?! God, I ought to fucking kill him."

"Just tell me..."

"Tell me you still love me even though I'm a wreck."

[Above all the agony and animosity, Silas knew the only thing he should be doing was to be there for her.]

"I do."

[Even if it was such a simple and ordinary thing, the mere presence of each other would dissolve all their burdens, relieve their heartaches, and soothe scars so deep.]

"So, so much. It seems like all you ever do is make me happy. It's insane. How could I ever not love you?"

"I will love every part of you. Good and bad I want it all. Even if it includes the mortifying ones that come back to haunt you. I'll love your demons and pray to God that you will always be blithe. All of this because I love you."

[That was all it took; a cry for help. And Silas was ready to come into Naya's life for real now. No more phone calls, just face to face conversations. No more touching screens, only physical contact.]

[No more unstable love, but a comfort knowing that Silas would be there. Not at the call of a number, but a call of his name.]


hope you're all having a wonderful week!

thank you so so much for getting clinomania to 40K reads and 5K votes!! i really do appreciate all the love 💓

not sure if anyone has/wants to make fanart but if anyone does have any, please dm me!!

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