21. Dad gives Naya advice

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=6:04pm, 29th February 2016=



[Naya is staring at herself in the mirror, parting her hair with a spray with one hand.]

"This needs more volume."

[And sprays, and more spraying till her hair looks like an outright disaster.]

"This isn't gonna work. I look like fucking Edward Scissorhands."

"Naya? Your mom is asking-"

"Oh fuck! Your hair..."

[Naya's father walks in, shell-shocked at the outrageous hairdo.]

"Dad! Don't you ever knock?!"

"Well, I'm sorry but your door was open..."

"You scared the shit outta me, honey."


"Halloween isn't till October y'know."

[Taking a quick glance at the clusters of clothes on the floor and the frantic look on Naya's face, his suspicions were more or less confirmed.]

"Got a date?"


"Who is it?"

[Naya hesitates to tell her Father about Silas but gives in to his stare downs.]

"This guy who's been calling me for the past month."

"Ah, the one your Mother told me about. Silas is it?"


"And where is this Silas from?"

"The UK."

"Very charming."

[Naya's Father fakes a very terrible English accent, gesticulating wildly.]


"Give me some credit, will you? Anyway... so you're meeting this Silas where?"

"Skyping him."

[Naya presses her lips together firmly, pinching at her cuticles.]

"In about an hour."

"So this is why you're so nervous?"

"I'm not nervous!"

[Her father raises an eyebrow, questioning her defensiveness to which she tones down slightly, pushing back the hair away from her forehead.]

"I mean it's not like I've had a lot of experience... with everything that happened."


[Her dad walks to sit behind her on her bed, taking a brush from her vanity.]

"Whatever happened before, isn't going to happen now. This new guy,"

[He brushes her hair slowly, making sure it returned back to its normal, straight style.]

"May turn out to be someone good for you."

"So don't worry about your hair or anything for that matter. If Silas can't see what I can, he needs to go fuck himself."

[Naya cracks a laugh as she thought about what she'd said to Silas before.]

"And I've told him that before."

"Don't worry, Naya. It's going to be a cool skype date."

"Thanks, dad."

"No problem, honey. Holler if you need anything."

"Wish me luck?"

"Naya, you don't need any; he should be wishing for you instead."

[She smiles and her father exits the room, shutting the door behind him.]

"Go Naya." [She whispers ever so softly to herself.]


oOooOOOO what is dis thang naya haz been thru? keep it in mind because it will be revealed later in the book!

MEEEEP so Naya is nervous. Please appreciate that because she's normally such a strong character, really very blunt and all that so yeah! Nervous is new.

Their 'date' is in two chapters so ANTICIPATIOOOOOON ¡!!¡

anyway, Clinomania has reached #97 on SS FUVK YAAAAAAA plus im sorry i haven't been responding to da comments. ill do so soon x

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