Chapter 23

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I started to walk away from the chapel when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Luke leaning against the door of the chapel. He looked exhausted.

"I'm surprised you're still awake." I stated.

"I'm used to my master drinking from me so I don't mind feeling weak after it anymore." He gasped for breath.

"Huh. In that case, I'm surprised you're even alive if he drinks from you." I sighed. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to leave now. Goodbye, Luke." I turned and continued to walk away from the chapel.

"Please..." He murmered.

"Hmm?" I turned and he was looking at me.

"Please don't leave. You've made my master so happy to be here. He'd be devistated if you left again." He stood up properly but kept his balance by leaning against the doorway.

"I'm sorry, Luke. I have to leave. It wouldn't be right if I stayed. He wants things to be the same as last time but it wouldn't be the same. Too much has happened ever since we parted so we're completely different people now." I turned and started running away.

William is my past now. He could have been my future but too much has changed since then. It can never be the same and he should know this by now. Idiot...

I kept on running until I could find something that looked familiar to me so I could make my way home again. I eventually saw the building to my school so I knew I was close to home. I quickly used some of my vampire powers to quicken my speed so people couldn't see me running around in a wedding dress, or at least what was left of it since I had ripped it earlier. I finally came to my house and ran up to the door but when I opened it, I could hear people arguing inside. It was Sebastian and James. I didn't close the door so they couldn't hear me coming in and I listened to their convocation.


"Why the hell did you say that to her?!" Sebastian yelled.

"What do you mean?" James responded.

"About who she's chosen. Even though she shouldn't be choosing between us anyway! It's all our fathers fault..." Sebastian sighed.

"I'm not the only one who's curious and you know it. Besides, it wasn't our fathers fault. You knew it was going to happen eventually. It's tradition if there isn't a male and female child and you know it." James sighed.

"Of course I'm curious but we should let her tell us in her own time. You shouldn't have asked her something like that, especially at that time. She was busy trying to help us and you decided to ask her then... Idiot..." Sebastian sighed.

"I was weak. It was like I was tired and it just blurted out. Look, you might have the authority figure like our father did but you know that I've got his stuborness. You know we've got to find out soon. It's going to be the blood moon in a month so she'll have to choose soon." James snarled.

"Just give her time. Being honest about it, she shouldn't choose either of us really. She should be with someone that she has learned to care for and fall in love with instead of being told that she has to marry someone out of the blue. I'm surprised that she doesn't hate us really..." Sebastian sighed.

"Father could have picked someone who had a different life. It wouldn't have been this complicated if we had told her sooner." He looked up at Sebastian who was standing in front of him with his head down. "Are you alright?" He asked as Sebastian raised his hand and slapped him.

"How dare you?! There's nothing wrong with her life! There's no need to be so arrogant!" Sebastian yelled at him.

"Me being arrogant? At least I didn't try to choke her to death!" James yelled back.

"You know that I can't control myself when I'm like that! And at least I don't judge someone for their past!" Sebastian yelled.

"No, you just judge them anyway!" James shouted and he started to get even more angry.

"Tell me the truth then! What do you actually think of Kira?" Sebastian asked.

"You want my honest opinion..." James murmered.

"Yes." Sebastian seemed determined to get this out of him.

"She acts like a child most of the time unless something bad or dangerous happens." He smirked.

"So you think she's childish?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes and really, she's not exactly my type." He scoffed.

"Wow... You're a bastard. Every time you're with her, you act like she's your whole world but really, you're just being two faced. This is the thing that I've always hated about you. You never show your true feelings towards someone and so you go too far until you end up loosing those who you care about. That's what happened last time. You fell for her but never showed your true feelings and it got to the point where she gave up on you. After twenty years..." Sebastian started to get annoyed now.

End of argument

After that, I decided to stop them before they tried to kill each other so I shut the door so they could hear it.

"I'm back." I yelled as I walked down the corridor.

"Kira!" I saw Sebastian run towards the doorway of the kitchen that led towards the corridor that I was in. "Thank God you're alright!" He said as he hugged me tightly.

"Yeah. It took some time to get out of the chains and to find my way back here but I finally saw the school so I knew I'd be able to get home soon." I hugged him back.

"What are you wearing?" I heard James say as I let go of Sebastian. He let go of me and looked at the dress I was wearing.

"Oh. When I woke up, I was wearing this but it was longer, it had sleeves and some sort of turtle neck on it so I ripped it so I could feel more comfortable when I was running." I sighed as I looked at it. "I really don't like the style so I'm going to go get changed." I said as I turned towards the stairs. "Oh, and while I'm gone, please don't argue again. It doesn't suit you." I then ran up the stairs and into my room. I slammed the door and locked it. I walked over to my CD player and put it on. Music started blasting out of the speakers as I started to look for something to wear. I ended up picking out a short, black denim skirt, dark red tights, a dark grey shirt, a dark red waist coat and a dark red and dark grey striped tie. It was my favourite outfit and put on my black doc martins to perfect my outfit. However, I didn't leave my room for a while so Sebastian and James were able to sort things out first, hopefully...

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