Chapter 6: peppermint

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I woke up in bed still smelling like peppermint. Stefa made us stop last night and buy some gum before we headed back home. She couldn't get the taste of the blutwurst out of her mouth, and apparently, it hadn't been pleasant. I showered, scrubbing everywhere I thought I might have peppermint, but the smell lingered even as I toweled off.

My suits were hanging in the closet, even the one I had worn last night. I usually just wore jeans and whatever flannel was cleanest, but I decided to surprise Stefa and select one of my dress pants, selecting a cream button-down and black belt. The image in the mirror still surprised me. I had never felt particularly human, but I seemed more human in these clothes. The man in the mirror ran his hand through his long brown hair and smiled, and I realized for the first time that being around Stefa was altering me as well as her.

I padded down the stairs barefoot, entering the kitchen where the welcome smell of breakfast sausage awaited me. Lin was flipping pancakes as Stefa sat on the counter, drinking coffee.

"Good morning," she purred as I approached. "I knew you'd like the suits."

I leaned over to kiss her, the smell of coffee overpowering the peppermint that lingered on both of us.

"You like the suits," I told her. "And I like you. That's enough."

"I can't call you pretty boy anymore," she sighed, running her fingers down my chest. "You are far too attractive for that. I'll have to think about it."

Lin glanced at me and shook his head. "You haven't changed," he noted. "Or maybe I'm no judge of attractive men, who knows? I think Stefa just has a thing for well made suits."

"Who doesn't?" Stefa scoffed. "Lin, you just take the romance out of everything."

"I'm not sure I had any romance in me in the first place," he pointed out. "Conor, get over here and eat these pancakes before Stefa takes you back upstairs and has her way with you."

I laughed and took the proffered plate from Lin. Stefa didn't let me get far, but snagged me by my belt loops, pulling me back to stand next to her. I leaned against the counter and ate my breakfast. Some days I missed sitting around a table and eating with the pack, but since I was the only one who ate anything at all, that would be weird. Stefa would sometimes correct my manners, and Lin would remind me to keep my elbows in so I was probably better off eating informally.

"Before it gets too late," Stefa mentioned, taking my empty plate from me. "I want you to call your pack."

"What? Why?" I questioned.

"Because I know you didn't leave on good terms, and there's no telling what will happen to us after this meeting," she replied. "They deserve to know that you are all right. Plus, you can find out if they let Grant and the others back; if not, those three may need our help after this."

"True," I admitted. "I just...I am upset with Mel about that decision."

"You don't know what ended up happening," she pointed out and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "And I liked your pack. I want to be able to visit, don't you?"

I turned to my head to frown at Stefa, but she kissed my cheek and handed me a cell phone. I entered Mel's number, but stared at the phone for a long moment in silence.

"Do you want me to leave?" Stefa inquired.

"No, I just..."

She leaned over and pressed the call button, not giving me the chance to hesitate any longer. I put the phone up to my ear, holding my breath as I heard it ring.

"Hello?" came a familiar voice: Mel.

"Hello Mel," I replied.

"Conor? Conor, where are you? Are you all right?"

Stefa snickered as she tightened her hug, resting her cheek against my head.

"I'm fine," I replied. "I'm somewhere in Illinois. It's not as cold here. Stefa has a house."

"Oh." The original enthusiasm drained out of her voice. "So you're still with her?"


She didn't respond. Was she hoping I was coming back home? She didn't say so explicitly, but I imagined she had hoped that I was being held against my will. I wasn't.

"Stefa wanted me to call," I continued when Mel didn't. "We're fine. She made me try on like, a hundred suits this week, but other than that, I'm fine. Well, she's less fine; Stefa tried blood sausage yesterday. Apparently it's gross."

Mel laughed. "Oh Conor, I'm so sorry. I should have never gotten angry with you. Aidan, Daria and Grant, they're still here. Aidan and Grant are the new Brian and Katie, but so much worse. I don't think I'll get used to the whole soul mate situation."

"I'm glad they're home," I replied.

"I wish you'd come home," Mel remarked.

Stefa's grip tightened again, and I smiled.

"I'm happy here," I told Mel. "Stefa says we can visit, if you'd like. Or maybe you guys could visit?"

I could hear Mel speak to someone else as if she wasn't paying attention to me. I felt a little annoyed at the slight, but then was surprised my own annoyance. I had never felt such a way toward Mel and Ralph.

"Mel?" I inquired.

"Oh sorry, Conor. Here, Ralph would like to talk to you."

I heard the phone shuffle around and Ralph's quiet breathing. Mel had said that he wanted to talk, but now he wasn't talking. I didn't know what to do.

"Hello," I said.

"I wish you'd called sooner," Ralph remarked.

"I thought you two would still hate me if I called," I replied.

"Conor," Stefa hissed, patting my shoulder. "Be kinder."

I rolled my eyes, gesturing to the phone as if Stefa wanted to take the call. She shook her head.

"Conor, we don't hate you," Ralph told me. "We're hurt. We were worried for you. Aidan and Daria came straight home, and I had...I had thought you might call sooner."

I knew I should apologize, but found I couldn't. I wasn't sorry. If not for Stefa's intervention, I wouldn't have called them today.

"Maybe we can visit," I repeated instead. "Maybe you guys could come, like as a vacation or something? I'm not sure what you want me to tell you, Ralph."

"I just wish you sounded less angry," he replied. "Why'd you call if you didn't want to talk to us?"

"Because I asked him to," Stefa remarked.

"Persuaded?" Ralph asked sharply.

"No, asked politely like a normal person," she replied with a sniff. "I asked him to call you because we're about to do something dangerous and I didn't want something to happen to Conor before you and Mel could talk to him. And I will admit, I didn't expect the barrage of questions and demands, nor the crushed look on Conor's face. You have my number now. We have yours. Good-bye."

She hit the disconnect button and enveloped me in a hug. I leaned against her, feeling tired even though I had just woke up.

"I thought that would go better," she murmured. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," I replied, tilting my head to kiss her cheek. "When are we heading out? What should I pack?"

Stefa released me and I took her hand as she hopped off the counter

"Oh, I'm packing for sure. You'll leave all my lovely ties at home. What you should do is shift and run about until we leave. We've got a ten hour car ride that's going to be a little difficult on you, I think."

"Will do," I said, and headed to the garage.

"And no shifting in that shirt," she called. "It's silk!"

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