New Mission

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   It had only been a few weeks since he had started working under Team Skull's name, but it didn't take long to realize he was the only one they could rely on. He didn't care much about becoming buddy buddy with any of the grunts either, making him an outcast even to the group of outcasts. "Just until I'm strong enough to face mother." He reassured himself, before entering the old mansion in Po Town. The grunts didn't even glance twice at him. Respect with a tinge of awkward filled the air, as he made his way to the boss's room.

   When he entered, Plumeria was waiting instead. "Hey Gladion." Her eyes looked like she was searching him for something, like she didn't trust him. "I need you to get your hands on a specific pokemon for me. An alolan raichu." This sounded easy enough. "But I need one that's been trained. There's a trainer named Hau that's been taking on his trials with a girl. His raichu is the one I want, got it?" He nodded, silently. He wasn't much for conversation when it came to the older trainers.

   He quickly headed out after being handed a paper with the boy's info. He unfolded it, reading a few lines.
"Malasada lover." "Grandson of Kahuna Hala." "Happy-Go-Lucky."

   Seemed like an easy target.. Except there was no physical description of the boy. He figured he'd start at the closest malasada shop, as the note recommended doing. He entered the shop, bustling with guests and their pokemon. It must've been rush hour, as almost every seat was taken. "Can I help you?" The girl at the counter gave him a warm smile. "Uh.. Yeah.. I'll have a bitter malasada." He scanned the menu, feeling as if he had made the best choice. "Go ahead and seat yourself wherever."

   He looked around the shop. This Hau was supposedly traveling with a girl. He looked around, but only a few tables seated a boy and a girl; and none of them were exactly.. skilled trainers. Then he scanned for tables with only a boy. There were a few. How would he know where to start? He decided to take his chances, staring at a boy at a booth. "Is this seat taken?" He asked, trying to sound casual. "Go ahead."

With that, Gladion sat down. "Uh, hello. I was wondering if you.. had an alolan raichu?" The other boy shook his head. "No. Why?" Gladion groaned internally. "Nothing."

He stood back up, before repeating this process several times. By the time he was done, most of the rush hour had cleared, and he still hadn't found this Hau. He plopped down at a now empty table, resting his face in his arms, frustrated. That's when a boy entered, around his age. He had melanin toned skin, and hair that reminded him of a deep forest. Though, this couldn't be Hau. He looked nothing like a powerful trainer. The boy ordered.. more than a few malasadas, before approaching Gladion. "Is this seat taken?" The boy smiled at him warmly.

   "Actually, I was just about to leave." Gladion decided to start looking around the next trial site, as Hau would have to be there  eventually. The boy seemed disappointed.

   "You know.. there aren't many other boys my age around here.. Can I at least get your name?" The boy asked curiously.

   Gladion couldn't help but shoot him a glare. But when he did, it promptly faded, as the boy's eyes had a calming effect. It was strange. He felt at ease, and figured it would be okay to let his guards down just once. "Gladion. And yours?"

Maybe this was the boy?

"Join me next time and I'll tell you!" the boy smiled before handing him a piece of paper with his contact information.

Gladion stared, before giving a small, awkward wave and leaving. What was that? Why did this boy suddenly have the aura to calm Gladion enough to get his name? And why did he feel okay with taking that boy's information? And worse, why did he feel like actually talking to him more? This might have just become a bit more trickier.

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