13. Healing

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The next couple of days went by slowly. I laid in bed with my leg propped up and rested. My mom, dad, and Charlie barely left my side. Kerri was in and out either practicing, going to games, or playing in games. Ryan came visited whenever he could. A lot of other athletes also came over to check up on me. It was the day before I could get up and play again.

It was noon and I was in the room by myself, my family had went to a basketball game and Ryan was busy practicing. His first swim was tonight.

I was watching the basketball game on the television in the room when there was a knock on the door. I yelled out "Coming!" before slowly sliding out the bed. I walked slowly and opened the door when I saw that it was my coach and a doctor through the peephole.

"Hey, how are you feeling today?" Coach asked as I invited them in. I nodded my head and walked carefully back to my bed. "Way better than the last few days." The doctor motioned for me to prop up my leg so he could take a look. I did it and he checked it out. "Does that hurt?" He asked when touching and grabbing my ankle. I shook my head. "Not really. Just still a bit sore."

He nodded. "Good. You're good to go. Just keep taking your medicine and you will be able to compete in the next match which is in two days. I'll check you again on that day to see if you still can compete and you're not sore anymore." I nodded. "Thank you, doctor." Coach said. The doctor said his goodbyes and walked out the room.

Coach sighed. I looked at her intensively and waited for her to say something. She didn't look at me but started pacing back and forth in the room. For a while, I just watched her, waiting to see if she was going to spill what was on her mind, but she didn't say anything.

"What's going on?" I finally asked her. She finally turned to me and took a deep breath. I sat up and propped up my leg.

"Press are trying to get in Olympic Village and get to you."

"What? Why? Is it about my leg? Cause if it is, that's crazy." I snorted. Hmm, what was so bad about that? I know the press are itching for some great stories about the athletes.

"Yeah sure it is. One guy jumped the damn fence." She sighed. "Another actually got inside the village and in the hotel lobby." She stopped pacing and ran her fingers through her short jet black hair. "All I'm saying is, we need better security. I can't have my athletes in danger. Especially you." She said her goodbyes and walked out the room, not before locking my door though.

Later that evening, I got ready for Ryan's first swimming race. I had on a Nike shirt with some shorts and the shoes. My wrapped ankle was visible. I grabbed my phone and my jacket before heading out the door.

Swimming was definitely the most popular sport. So many people hung out outside waiting for the doors to open for the event. From where I was standing, I saw Missy and Katie up ahead talking to some fans. I made my way over there.

"Hey guys!" I said as I reached them. They smiled and greeted me back. "How's that ankle doing? I see you're walking on it." Missy smiled.

I nodded. "Yeah it's way better now. I've been resting ever since I got hurt and I'm still taking meds. Actually I can compete in the next game." I said to all of them.

"That's great to hear. Glad you can still compete." Katie smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Came to support your boyfriend tonight?" She winked at me. I blushed as Missy and the fans started to tease me. "Ooh!"

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