1. Leaving for Rio

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Practice was a success today. Before we left our last practice here in Cali, Coach reminded us that we could either wear shoes, socks or nothing out on the court. My partner, Kerri, and I rather be barefoot cause it's much better that way in the sand. I said a quick goobye to Kerri and grabbed my bag. I checked my phone and saw that I had tons of unread messages from the USA group chat. They all were excited to be leaving out tonight for Rio.

Nathan Adrian: you guys should come check out the swim team's final practice tonight!

Since everyone had to group up in Cali before heading to Rio, it sounded like a great idea to get to know some of Team USA. I had already met Michael Phelps, Gabby Douglas, Missy, and Nathan, to name a few.

I ran up to Kerri before she left the beach. "Hey Kerri! Are you doing anything before we leave tonight?" Kerri was older than I was. I'm 22 while she's 37. In my first Olympics in 2012, I was 18, which I was lucky to be able to compete. Kerri was very wise and she basically trained me. Together, we were invincible.

"Hmm..let's see. I have to make sure my husband can pack up my kid's suitcases right. Make sure that his suitcase is right.." I laughed, "Okay you're obviously busy! I wasn't sure if you read the group chat. The swim team wanted everybody come see their last practice, but it's fine! I'll go with Gabby!"

She smiled and nodded in approval. "But I will see you later tonight." She said as she took her ringing phone out of volleyball bag. I told her a quick goodbye and made my way out of the sand and to an outside shower to get the access sand off of my arms, legs, and feet. I dried myself off with one of my towels and headed for my car. I sent a quick text to the group chat saying I was gonna be there tonight before I drove off to my apartment.

Later that night, after 7, it was time for the swim team's last practice before going to Rio. On the way to the aquatics center, I called Gabby and she notified me that she was already there. "Well damn, I'm almost there. Save me a seat!"
Once I got to the center, there was barely anywhere to park. I found a parking spot on the side of the center and made my way in.

There were so many people inside. I was starting to think that the public was invited to see the team's last practice here. I texted Gabby and she told me where she was and how to get to her. I was walking to where she was when someone jumped in front of me.

Before me stood the one and only, Michael Phelps. He looked really happy, despite all the times where he's really focused about swimming. He had on his Team USA swim jacket with his goggles and swim cap in his hand.

"Well if it isn't my good ol' friend Melanie." You smiled and gave him a hug. Michael was on of the friendliest people on Team USA. Everybody knew him, and he knew everybody. He was an inspiration to all of us and he always knew what to say to everyone. "How's it going?" I asked him as I readjusted myself. I was wearing a Team USA shirt with some shorts, showing off my muscles. "Pretty good. I'm hyped about Rio. What about you?"

"I'm ready-" I started to say but someone cut me off.

"Come on Michael, practice is about to start." A familiar face said as he tapped Michael's shoulder. He turned to me, "Oh hey, didn't see you there." He smiled that million dollar smile at me. I tried not to stare at his gorgeous face. I knew him from somewhere, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I know he's a swimmer, but I didn't really know him.

"I'm coming, Ryan." Michael said as he nodded his way. Ryan kept looking at me with a confused facial expression. "Do I know you?" He said, scratching his head. Ryan Lochte only had on his swimming trunks on. His abs were all in my face as I tried not to blush at the awkward moment. Michael started chuckling. "She's an Olympian, Ryan, duh. Know your teammates dude." Michael punched him in the arm playfully. "I'm going now since I have to be in the pool before you. Bye Melanie!" Michael said as he chuckled one more time before leaving and taking his jacket off. Screams and cheers from the crowd began as he walked out towards the pool.

"Okay, uh, I didn't mean to say it like that." Ryan chuckled in embarrassment as he scratched the back of his head. "I know I know you, it's just been a long time and my memory needs to be refreshed."

Memories of 2012 London came in my mind. "We partied together." I smirked as I remembered that night. I had won my first gold metal and Ryan had won a gold too. Most of Team USA went out and celebrated their success and it was only right because I was old enough to drink in England. I remembered getting drunk and partying with some of the swimmers like Nathan and Ryan, and that's pretty much it. "But I'm sure you don't remember that cause you partied every night." I smirked at him. He looked taken back but smiled at me. "You're funny." He said.

One of the coaches yelled for him to come out to the pool. He threw his hand up and waved at me. "See you in Rio if I don't see you again later tonight." He flashed a smile and left to go practice. I smiled to myself and made my way to the stands where everyone was at.

As I climbed up the steps to sit with Gabby, a few people took pictures and waved at me. I greeted them and took a see next to Gabby Douglas, one of my great friends.

"I saw that." She smirked and handed me a bag of chips. "Saw what? And you know I'm not supposed to be eating these." I blushed as I watched the male swimmers hang out around the pool. I saw Michael, Nathan, and both Ryans (Lochte and Murphy) talking in a group. Ryan was facing me and I could see him looking through the crowd. His eyes landed on me and he winked and waved. Some girls in the audience whistled and cheered when he did that.

"You and Ryan. Is there something going on? Yes or no, he's a big flirt." She said as she grabbed the bag of chips out of my hand and ate some.

"We just met officially, that's all." I assured her. I know she wasn't the only one that saw us both talking. That would only mean that pictures were taken from fans and maybe the paparazzi that were in here. I rolled my eyes. We were just talking like normal people do. Nothing more.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that the boys had already started practicing. They were practicing mostly for their 4x200 freestyle race. In 2012 they got silver but this year they were going for the gold. I know Michael was really upset about that but he knew this year that they were gonna do better and faster.

The crowd was wild as the boys dominated the race against the time. Apparently, they beat their time that they had days before at practice. Everyone clapped and I couldn't help but think that the adrenaline was helping them beat their times. Michael hugged his teammates and they all threw themselves back in the pool together, laughing.

After watching all the swimmers get a chance of practicing, I was getting tired so Gabby and I left to get our bags for the flight in a couple of hours. I was beyond excited and anxious to get my second gold metal. I've been practicing nonstop since 2012 after I got my first ever metal, which was gold. I was originally from Louisiana but I moved to California for my training.

I took a nap before it was time to catch the flight with Team USA to Brazil. I didn't get much sleep cause of my anxiousness but I knew once I get on the plane I would get some sleep.


Hi! this is my first ever fan fic about Ryan! I'm sorry if I have any mistakes or get something wrong, it's fiction so that means everything isn't really true. Vote, comment, share. love y'all ❤️
p.s. who's your favorite athlete?

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